You can’t grow disease in an Alkaline Body…. So, what about nuts?

Well, if you’re really nuts, you may think you are able to to grow disease in an Alkaline Body. lol But that’s not true.

Some men I know think things that aren’t true. You know the type…..? They’re legends  ………. in their own minds? heheheeheee. You remember Napoleon right? lol


Oh… Oh…. Sorry. I live in California. You know…… the place all the marbles roll to when you tip the board? lol

Nuts. Hmmmm….

Well let me first say I love, Love, LOVE nuts! My world always seems way better when I sprinkle a few cashews on a salad, lightly toast some pine nuts, or just eat walnuts and hazelnuts raw!

But I wanted to do some quick investigation to see what the real deal is….. because like everything else we eat, I hear different stories from different sources.

I’ve always heard that Cashews and especially Peanuts aren’t good for you…. Now I know why. Of course there’s the 70% saturated fat factor with all nuts. But with everything I have heard, nutritionists always target peanuts as being bad.

Here’s a list of Acidic Nuts.


You really ought to eat them with something Alkaline, like I do…. put ’em in a salad.

Almonds and Chestnuts (don’t ya just love Chestnuts?) are Alkaline.

That’s why everyone is always singing the praises of Almonds. Now I get it!

Here’s my dinner tonight:

Quinoa Spinach Almondine
Quinoa Spinach Almondine

Now, Chef Marissa and I are putting together a cookbook, so we’ve been ‘creating’ all week. She came up with this incredibly YUM Carrot Soup….. (and I don’t even like carrot soup) and I’m calling it Yum!

And we both came up with this crazy Quinoa with all kinds of great stuff in it (buy the cookbook at the Del Mar Fair this month – Join San Diego Foodies on meetup to see what dates I’m cooking on the Infield Stage)…..

Since I had a bag of it left over, (after I gobbled down some carrot soup tonight), I stuck it on a bed of spinach and wilted it, then added almonds. Now, I will say one thing more.

Naughty Chef Marian loves satay sauce. And there’s this place in Solana Beach called Ki’s that has the sauce without any cream in it. So I brought some home with the leftovers last week and I’ve been using it ever since. Just a dab or two on that salad makes it incredible! 

I first ate satay and that sauce in Bali…. worst thing I ever did. Cause then I ate it in Amsterdam, in London, in Paris…I just can’t stay away from it, if it’s on the menu! And most times, they don’t even make it right! It’s supposed to be a deeper looking sauce, not the color of peanut butter!  I’m sure you have things in your life like that too no?

Write and tell me about the foods or sauces you crave. I love to figure out recipes just based on what I think it would take to make something zzzzzzzzing. And make you (or me) sing! lol

So that was my food tonight. Satay Sauce? Can you say peanuts?

So bad. Sooo bad.

But it’s really about moderation for me. Fill your plate with 51% raw veggies and you can probably eat just a little of anything you want! And if anyone complains? Say it’s no big deal. Eat ‘clean’ 90% of the time, and have what you like! Just tell ’em I told ya so!

Happy Eating,

Chef Marian