Happy Holidays from Your Personal Instructor, Chef Marian!

Hey! We’re half way thru the holidays! Chef Marian here… with a special ‘shout out’ to you, my favorite foodie: Happy Holidays from Your Personal Instructor, Chef Marian! The only thing I can think to give you is …. my coaching, my cooking classes, my cookbooks and the joy of knowing how you are going … Read more

Let Food Be Your Medicine!

I have said it before, but it’s worth repeating especially as we come into the holidays: Let food be your medicine! I don’t know about you, but I know I want to live a long, long life. I don’t want my grandmother’s aches and pains. So I have spent decades studying how to use food … Read more

You can’t grow disease in an Alkaline Body…. So, what about nuts?

Well, if you’re really nuts, you may think you are able to to grow disease in an Alkaline Body. lol But that’s not true. Some men I know think things that aren’t true. You know the type…..? They’re legends  ………. in their own minds? heheheeheee. You remember Napoleon right? lol COME ON, CHEF MARIAN. WE’RE WONDERING … Read more