Happy 4th of July Foodies!
There are some very simple rules or shifts in the way you think…. that you can follow today, that will make all the difference in the weight you gain.
Ok. Just be honest. You’re NOT going to skip the mac and slaw, the burgers, ribs, fries, chips, dips, shmips…..
And the good word is? Whatever weight comes on, is the first to go when you start eating right again (which hopefully is tomorrow)! lol
But there are so EZ Breezy things you can think about to incorporate a little bit of ‘mindful eating’ into today’s festivities.
Let’s start with melon. Did you know that all melons (cantaloupes, watermelon, etc) have the highest content of sugar ~ more than any other fruit?
No. No I’m not.
I think today is about making good choices and using my 3 bite rule: 1st bite? That’s good. 2nd bite? WOWOW! That is bangin’ good! 3rd bite? Now I’m being naughty. Three bites of anything never hurt anyone.
So pick your favorite things (only 3 of them) on the buffet today….. (and don’t kid yourself…. all bbq’s are a buffet), and savor the flavor. Make each bite count. With the 3 bite rule, your definition of really naughty changes… because it’s a 4th bite you are being naughty with (not the whole bowl).
Ya feel me?
Al righty then. Onto salads. I know it’s hard to resist a mac salad or coleslaw. So pick one, and use your 3 bite rule.
Hard to resist hamburgers and hot dogs. Pick one… and do your 3 bite rule (or just cut it in half and offer that other half to someone else).
Then, the key to getting your body back into an alkaline state (because you know disease grows in an acid body but cannot grown in an alkaline body)…. is to follow it up with a plate that has 51% vegetables. And then drink some water or coconut water.
You remember about not drinking water right before or during a meal right?
Well, it dilutes the enzymes that break down your food. Now aren’t you glad you know that?
Here’s what I’m cooking and eating today: Garlic Shrimp, Quinoa with Sweet Potato, Caramelized Onions, Mushrooms and other veggies (Quinoa is a complete plant based protein, so I can eat less shrimp), Corn on the cob (I’ll eat a ‘cobette’ or two ~ so two thirds of an ear of corn ~ with garlic powder instead of butter), and a honkin’ BIG salad! And if I see something else that soothes me and is very 4th of July ish, that I’ve just got to have? I have my 3 bite rule!
Ok. So here’s what you are going to do today:
- Make sure your plate has 51% veggies
- Use my 3 bite rule for 3 items, and if you really get crazy, take a fourth bite
- And remember: when you imbibe it gives you permission to eat everything you see. So go easy on the ‘koolaid’ (whatever your ‘flavor’ of that is ~ beer, wine, alcohol), and have a glass of water between each drink.
Safe driving.
Happy Eating,
Chef Marian