Rootin’ for Rutin


The Food Revolution Network and Ocean Robbins is a group and a person I follow regularly. They just sent me an article about a way to stay healthy and in it, they mentioned: We’re Rootin’ for Rutin.

Now I have never heard of Rutin before and I’m thinking maybe you haven’t either so I decided to do this blog to educate you and give thanks to the Food Revolution Network for alerting me.

Rutin is a powerful antioxidant that may help with vascular inflammation reduction, brain health, type 2 diabetes management, cancer prevention heart health and more.

And of course, you are going to consult your physician if you’re having any ongoing issues like these before ever taking what is written here in place of that, and your own good common sense.

I was at a French Market this past week with a friend and I stumbled upon buckwheat flour. Very pure very good and I thought heck! What am I gonna use that for? But I bought it anyway because I like to try things I haven’t tried before. And guess what? Buckwheat is on the list of food that contain Rutin!

But there are also other things like a Granny Smith Apple, Asparagus, Moringa and Matcha Green Tea to name a few.

What the Food Revolution Network teaches us is to maybe to go for Citrus because it has both Rutin and Vitamin C and that’s what they are recommending for the best combination, to feed yourself.  Can you guess what fruit contains the concentrated combo? Mandarin oranges.

My daughter is always buying and eating Mandarin Oranges. When I go over there I eat them to. And she’s feeding them to my toddler grandchild!

I really don’t know how she always knows the right thing to do. She and her husband have been eating brilliantly, individually since before they were a couple and now the combination of them both is bringing so much more to the table. I’m so proud!

I know we all have a tendency to go for supplements. I know I do. But supplements sometimes have side effects and we just never know until it happens.

I’m going to suggest as I’ve suggested so many times before that we use food as our medicine. Just incorporate a few things listed here until weekly routine of eating and you may without realizing it do something really good for yourself.  

Reach out if you have more questions, or just google it!