The length of survival of bacteria and virus in food is very long. This survival length depends on the nutritional and physicochemical properties of the food, moisture content, presence or absence inhibitory agents, the complexity of the chemical molecules that make up the food as well as the metabolic pattern of the organism. So determination of how long a bacteria or virus survives on food is quite difficult, because they exist on food for as long as the food exists.
So now that I won’t be eating at salad bars anymore until this virus resolves itself. I started thinking about restaurants. There are people that are sick, and people that are just carriers, but do not know they are carriers. What to do about that?
Well, before I start hearing about there being more than 1,000 cases locally, I have decided to use the coupons and certificates I have and then once that is done, start bringing lunch and eating more dinners at home. If things get really bad quickly, I am going to have to re-think grocery stores except for the frozen and canned isle. What a challenge that will be! Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that!
If you would like a list or to work with me on putting together enough flavorful food together once a week, email me at If I get enough of a response, I will do cooking classes every Sunday afternoon and everyone will leave with a weeks worth of food. I can also consult over the phone.
Healthy Happy Eating,