Dandelions? Remember the music? Rolling Stones: (my compliment to elyrics cause my brain power isn’t what it used to be) lol
Dandelion don’t tell no lies
Dandelion will make you wise
Tell me if she laughs or cries
Blow away dandelion, blow away dandelion
But you don’t want to blow away the dandelion (people have allergic reactions to them). And you want those greens.
Dandelion means ‘The Lion’s Tooth”. And it’s botanical name is Taraxacum officinale. Great. Like you care!
Well, at least you’re listening. So let me tell you more. It’s a member of the daisy family, native to Europe, they use the leaf and root as a diuretic or laxative. It also is used in Winemaking and you can use it to dye clothing.
Now, I’m sure you’ve seen them growing wild, maybe even on your own lawn. Pick them and throw them in a salad? I don’t think so. What about the chemicals that have been sprayed on them? So no. The answer is no.
And it’s really the ‘greens’ you’re going for here. They’re a good source of beta-carotene. And according to The American Cancer Society, it may lower risk of some forms of cancer.
According to The Complete Book of Herbs, Spices and Condiments, the bitter leaves can be made less bitter by storing them in a fridge after picked, or by harvesting the leaves in cold weather. But some people really enjoy bitter greens. I guess it’s an acquired taste. lol
Don’t forget: the minute you start cutting them, they lose their nutritional value. So make sure you only cut up what you are going to use that day. And if you want to keep their bright green color? Steam them quickly, or use lots of water with the lid off.
If you want to increase your body’s absorption of the iron found in dandelion greens? Eat it with meat because this gives your body the acid environment it needs, to easily absorb.
Not a meat eater? Your other choice is to enjoy it with food rich in Vitamin C like chili peppers, or any kind of peppers for that matter….. Mix it with other green leafy veggies like kale, or how about just throw some strawberries into the mix?
Sounds good?
All righty then. On your way to the store now to buy some Dandelion Greens.
Happy Eating,
Chef Marian