Storing Vegetables

Keep your celery safe!

This blog is dedicated to Storing Vegetables. I really can’t stand it, when I think I have fresh celery in the bottom drawer, then when I go to you is, it’s brown and old. The carrots turn to rubber, which drives me wild!

So I started doing this with both carrots and celery.  Now, you do not want to use tap water. You do not need chemicals in your food.

So carefully prep any hard vegetables without skin that you have, to fit into a couple of jars. Lay them on their sides and place in celery or carrots until filled. Stand them upright and fill half way with water. Use the rest of the space with smaller cut pieces. Cover with water all the way to the top. Screw the top on and place in the fridge.  Carrots do not keep as long as celery. Just a ‘heads up’!

I would also like to share with you info from Foodsaver. They have charts letting you know what spoils fast, what will stay for over week and what lasts the longest.







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Healthy Happy Eating,