Fighting Corona by boosting your immune system

Hi Moms, Dads and Young Adults! If you’re in the kitchen these days, your job is more than cooking. It now includes Boosting your immune system.

And what if you did not get any of the nutritional training (found here on this website or elsewhere)? Well, that’s why I’m doing this blog about knowing what would be great to add on to your list for the grocery store.

I was watching a TV Program with Dr. William Lee who wrote the book “Eat to Beat Disease”. He is recommending Pomegranate Juice (something I would never think to order), mushrooms and extra virgin olive oil. I’ve also got the two Michaels I recommend: Dr. Michael Greger “How not to die” and his matching cookbook and Michael Pollan’s’ book “Food Rules”.  Pollan says things like: Eat treats like treats, Eat colors and Eat food you can picture growing in nature. I will say that as you read these books each chapter builds on the one before. Unexpectedly at the end of your journey with each book, you just know more. Maybe some of it was a reminder, but each book has gems worth finding.  

If you are interested in details of what to eat read more here. 15 Foods that Boost the Immune System as quoted from Healthline include Citrus, Bell Peppers, Spinach, Ginger, Garlic, Broccoli, Turmeric and Almonds. And I’ll tell you what! These are all things that are already on my shopping list.

I will take a big box of organic spinach, cut paper thin slice garlic into it and sprinkle with a drizzle or spray of olive oil and it cooks down to a small dish of yum, that’s actually really good for you.

I cook Broccoli and Asparagus as my two regular vegetables.

Chefs Tips on Broccoli? Use your peeler once all the way around and slice up the stalk, all the way to the tops. Broccoli done TWO ways (in the same bowl)!

Then there’s asparagus. Ever notice that asparagus at the Chart house for example, is easy to bite into? Here come’s the peeler again, after you have naturally snapped the bottom third off, (bend until it breaks) to see how long they should be (where they need to be cut). Then, take the bottom third left and use your peeler all the way around, lightly.

Really want the kids to eat asparagus?

Asparagus and Spinach Done Right!

Cover the spears on the stovetop or into the toaster oven with a small amount of bread crumbs down the middle. Spray some oil, or use Earth Balance like I do, till the bread crumbs brown. That’s good for you and it’s tastes good too!

Back next time with some new recipes. See ya soon!

Healthy Happy Cooking,