Home Time Sides

Coleslaw, Pickles and Pickled Cucumber

So much to say about Home Time Sides. Here’s how I would like you to look at it – Decide what kinds of flavors you would like to create, based on the protein you have, or based on eating plant based, if you like.

So if you think about hotdogs… the flavor profiles that work are Baked Beans, Pickles, Coleslaw & Pickled Cucumbers. And they’re all so easy to do. If you’re plant based, used plant based hot dogs or another simple protein. 

InstaPot Baked Beans: If you have an InstaPot, blend 8 cans of different beans. Rinse thoroughly. (You can also use dry, but that’s a different recipe).

Put the InstaPot on sauté. Brown or sauté a diced onion. Create a mix of Soy, Worcestershire, Brown Sugar, Salt, Molasses and any other spices you like. If you’re plant based, use Tamari instead of Soy and skip the Worcestershire. (Just make sure you don’t over do the Molasses, which can make it turn bitter).

I use cumin, coriander and parsley. Add that to the browned onions. Mix in all your beans. Manually set the InstaPot to 8 minutes and in 8 minutes, plus the time it takes for the steam to blow off, you have delicious Baked Beans! 

Those beans will keep in a jar for the weeks and you can mix the combination of sweet and sour all week long. Otherwise you can freeze the beans for next week or the week after. You will have a Cucumber or Coleslaw Side dish for the next day or two. 

Here’s what I started with for an Italian Meal this past week: Tomatoes in a vinaigrette with chopped or dried spices like Oregano.

Tomato is the star!

It may seem simple. But what I will say is that if you think of a main protein plus ‘sides’ then this simple dish makes for one of the fresh sides you may have to serve to brighten up the frozen vegetables you may be serving as a separate dish.

One last Chef Tip for ya…. Get asparagus and broccoli fresh. You can always add that to a bag of frozen and make that lousy bag of frozen taste better and go a long way!

Healthy Happy Eating,