An apple a day… But what about the core?

We all know the saying: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”….

apple core
apple core

And to that end I will say that for the last 6 months, almost every time I am in between meals, I grab for an apple…. and I find it to be sweet and satisfying. And with talking myself into that, lol also comes other pluses…. like I’m not grabbing for sugar or chips, right?


And I know you…. I know an apple might not be what you’re craving… but how about adding cinnamon? Don’t you think that would be way better? And some stevia…. if you need it?


Yes fellow eaters. Jazz it up. Add a raisin or two for extra sweetness if you need it.

But here’s what you need to know…. especially for the ‘core’ eaters out there. There is a little controversy about eating the core. Some people say that the seeds have cyanide and can kill ya! Others say if small amounts of seed could kill you, everyone would be dead, (because of all the juicing that is going on these days, and how they use the whole apple).

I have this idea of things……. like seeds getting stuck in the intestines…..

But of course, as always, you’re not going to substitute my judgement, for your own good judgment, right?


Ok. With that said, I would say: Do whatever is right for you. I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say use that policy with everything you do. lol

My friend eats his apple whole…. as a matter of fact, sometimes he won’t eat an apple and asks “Can you just save me the cores”? Well, waste not want not. So ok. That sounds good to me.

And it’s not that big a controversy…. eat the seeds, don’t eat the seeds.

But I try to fill you in on as much information that comes my way because ya know? It may come up for you…..

And perhaps by blogging about the seeds and core, I’ve stimulated you to eat more apples….


Yep. I sure am…. but I’m here for you, here in your best interest to find a way to turn you on to the right foods! And remember: you can bring me into your kitchen (if you’re in San Diego) and I can pull from what you already have in the fridge and your pantry and show you a bunch of things you can be making from what you already buy… that are good for you, tell you what you can swap out with healthier choices, cook with you…. and even take you shopping to teach you how to pick better fruits and vegetables. You’ll find my email on my ‘about’ page and you can go ahead and email me. My fun is working with you!

So, go ahead and cut up some apple chunks, put them in a small pan on the stovetop, add lemon first, then cinnamon and a dash of nutmeg and cook down for about 15 minutes (if the apples are not sweet enough you can always add a splash of apple juice or cider and then maybe some guar gum to thicken the sauce you’ve created ~ without adding gluten…..) and there … you have it. Something sweet to wet your whistle mid morning or late afternoon ~ that you can keep it stored in a tight glass jar all week and it just gets better and better! And if you need more texture or flavor? Or you’re serving it to your family for dessert? Crumble Annie’s Graham Bunnies in the bottom and on top. (That’s the only graham cracker on the market that I’ve found that doesn’t have Hydrogenated Oil or tons of sugar).

Want a satisfied life? Start with your food!

Happy Eating,

Chef Marian