I am not going to name names, but I will say that I bought a 6 pack of wine from a new location of Von’s. I NEVER would buy wine at Von’s except that it was last minute for an event, and that was the store my friend Johanna needed to stop at, so I said ….’What the heck’ and went for it.
I didn’t like my choices….. I kept 4 of the 6 bottles, unopened. When I went to return it to VON’S I was informed by more than THREE employees (asked separately) and a Manager that there’s a new law that prohibits them from taking wine back, even though it was unopened because it’s like me (the customer) selling THEM wine. Whoot? Yes. That’s the story I got. They even got so specific to say that with a receipt it’s a SPECIFIC exchange and because I was 50 cents off, they had to get permissionfrom the Manager to do the exchange and have me pay an additional 50 cents. ANY WITHOUT A RECEIPT? Forget about it. NO RETURNS EVER.
I was curious about this ‘new law’ but when I asked for details AT VON’S, the store did not know. I asked if it was just store policy and was ASSURED that NO. It’s the law.
I don’t know about you, but in my world THIS IS CRAZY.
I went online and read about other states, where this kind of thing happens. Here’s what I learned from the Times Union (if you click on the link you can read the entire story yourself). Wiki ‘answers’ sites law and tells you what to say when a company refuses a refund for liquor specifically in California. And as I continued my research on the web, listening to stories about craziness connected to the sale of alcohol in California, I decided instead to do some simple research. So I called Ralph’s to see if they were following this NEW LAW. They said they weren’t sure, hadn’t heard of this… but if I gave them my email, they would write back. Here’s what they said:
I did a little research in regards to your question about Liquor returns at our Ralphs stores. I found out from our store operations department that unopened Liquor may be returned for a refund if accompanied by the receipt.
Thank you for taking the time to contact us. We appreciate our customers. Thank you for shopping with us!
Margie Ferkin
Customer Service Coordinator
Ralphs Grocery/Food 4 Less
(310) 884-4217
I am so ‘over’ Von’s. If you have had a different experience I would love to hear about it.
Chef Marian
Yep. I found it to be very weird! Thanks for agreeing with me.