Snackables to stay healthier with? Sounds like a contradiction of terms, right?
Well, this isn’t the first time I’ve tried combinations.
But this time, I think I’ve hit on a really good one that you may want to try.
It’s a combination of sugar and no sugar … and the good word is? It’s all organic. Not expensive. Just organic.
And when I hear the combo or corn and organic, I am comfortable knowing it’s not GMO.
French Vanilla Granola
Chocolate Crispies
Puffed Millet and Corn
I know, right? But guess what! If you mix the first two with the second two, it’s a great mix. I mean crisp Chocolate, Vanilla Granola, along with the cardboard tasting millet and lightly corn tasting corn puffs make for a great combo. The sugar from the first two contradict the no sugar from the second two. And all in all, you’re getting less sugar without even missing it.
But I think the best part is ~ there’s no wheat. More and more we’re reading books like ‘Wheat Belly’, that say if we do one thing, one slight change in our diets, it’s that we should give up wheat because it prevents us from losing fat.
Now, there are many views on this, but this time around I say it’s worth a shot.
Another thing I am doing is adjusting the amount of animal I eat.
There’s nothing like food poisoning (which I experienced the past couple of days) to give you a ‘clean slate’ lol. So, I’ve decided, on a day by day basis, to try and make better choices excluding fish, chicken and beef as well as wheat.
I’ve been leading up to this for quite some time now….. with a daughter and soon to be son-in-law who both are vegan. I’ve been doing vegan Thanksgiving for years and years now. And I am convinced that vegetables are the best part of Thanksgiving, so I don’t feel like I’m missing anything with a bite or two of Tofurkey and gravy.
I know there will be days I just give in and eat something because I am just craving it, or because it’s easier. But I did get junk food out of my life and sugar out as a regular food group, lol just by using this method. One day at a time, more mindful, making better decisions.
So, I am starting with snacking.
I remember when the kids were little, I would give them a small bag of Cherrio’s as a snack. I’m thinking now I can pack myself a small bag and take it to work, or just keep in my car. I can’t tell you how many times I am hungry on my way to something, and if I had a small snack to take the edge off, I think I would do way better.
Not sayin’ this is for everyone. But for the moment, it’s organic, it has no wheat, and if I decide to completely cut out snacks, I can always use it for breakfast with Almond Milk!
Now that’s a win/win!
Happy Eating,