Self Development is something most of us are striving for…. because when you know better, you do better.
In the last 6 months I have had the pleasure of being asked to attend a total of FOUR conferences that were either 4 or 5 days long each (at no charge). And we’re not talkin’ 9am-5am here. We’re talkin’ about getting up sometimes as early as 6am (whooot?) to make sure you’re there ON TIME, if not early….. because (say it with me)… how you do anything is how you do? EVERYTHING!
By the way, am I not a brilliant photographer? lol. Actually, I can’t take credit for this one that came thru my camera, of clouds. I work in Photoshop, but there was nothing I needed to do to that pic of clouds other than crop it! Nature gives us everything…. doesn’t it! lol
Getting back to the topic at hand: I got to explore more about me, my hopes, my dreams, my fears, my direction…. and on top of that was bombarded with information: How to grow your business, where to ‘invest’, how to self publish, how to ‘package’ yourself, how to stand on stage and really have a presence, with intention and confidence of the script of where you are going with each point and how you’re going to get the audience to go there too (important for someone who does cooking shows in front of a studio audience, no)?
And my friends, I’m not even scratching the surface here. I’m going to have to write a BOOK about everything I learned (making sure I get the ‘go ahead’ from the companies who taught me)!
Beyond that? What about the thousands and thousands of people I have met that have said: “We should partner on this new project I’m doing” or “I really want to know you…. give me a card”?
It has been a joyous roller coaster. WHY ROLLER COASTER, CHEF MARIAN? Ok. Calm down. I’ll tell you.
When you open yourself up to self exploration you open yourself up to pain. Recognizing all your buttons, and how you give away your power by letting people push them…. (sound familiar)? … it’s painful: painful to know the truth. The ‘art’ of self exploration also includes having to say you’re sorry…. or thank you…or geez… I screwed up!
Very humbling to say the least.
But wait! There’s more! lol
The benefits are endless. When you open your mind and heart to exploring, you come up with your own solutions. NOW WAIT A SEC, CHEF MARIAN. YOU GOT ALL THESE GREAT IDEAS AND YOU’RE NOT GOING TO USE THEM?
You’ve got it. The knowledge is valuable. And I’ve got it and will use some of it. But that’s back burner, compared to what I got from attending these events: the ability to free myself from that mind that talks, and talks and talks to me…. shut it down, and get out of my own way, so that I can create in life, a future that really makes me happy.
I started my divorce many years ago, by not wanting to damage my ‘ex’….. hey 30 years should count for something right? So I put him on a dating website (did his profile and picture), corresponded back and forth with several women and found him a girlfriend that he now lives with. Is that cool? Or cool?
And the reason I left him was? I was looking for joy….. to create a life filled with joy, still dealing with issues but finding a new way to handle them that does not involve stress. And as I make my way towards that, towards good health both physically and emotionally I want to say: If you have the opportunity to attend a Self Help Event /a ‘get yourself into the game’ of business and expand what you do – take it.
If this interests you, shoot me an email and I will put you on my V.I.P. list at the front door for the next event I’m going to…. And then all you have to do is:
Be open, don’t judge and just ride the roller coaster. It will certainly take you back to who you really are, what you really want to accomplish during this lifetime….. and that’s brilliant my friends!
Happy Eating!
Chef Marian