New Organic Standards

Our topic today is: New Organic Standards and what organic farmers are contemplating behind closed doors.

The Associated Press prohibits you (me) from sharing their info or re-publishing what they say, so rather than violate any of their rules, I am going to tell you about a story that came my way today, because I think it’s important for you to know…. and know that I get this information from a reliable source! lol

15 farmers from all part of America came together in Vermont recently to create a new food label. They would like to give way more information about the organic food you are eating. So they will work with up to 60 farms this summer, to create standards for this organic certification program. 

With so many ways to grow veggies (in water, in soil) this group wants very specific standards met including crop rotation, animal rotation, controlling soil erosion, keeping the soil free of weeds, having more organic matter in the soil, etc. This will bump up the qualifications especially in the animal world, where animals are being fed in cages and closed in quarters, requiring them to be put outside to roam freely. And also in the fruits and veggie world because if you do it right with more organic matter in the soil and better crop rotation, you will get a tastier more naturally fortified product.

It sounds like and I think the biggest fight will come between farmers and people that are growing things hydroponically (in water). 

“It’s a competition because field farmers can’t produce the volume that hydroponics can,” said Dan Lubkeman, president of the Hydroponic Society of America.”

As for me, I am ok with my take away…. the point of going organic is to stop eating genetically modified fruits and vegetables, those that have been sprayed with pesticides, since our bodies can process chemicals. And the whole fight about eating genetically modified fruits and veggies is clear yet unclear but again when something is changed chemically who knows whether or not our bodies can process it. When in doubt, I always opt out!

And I am really glad and looking forward to seeing how much new information this new labeling can provide about the organic food I am eating. Of course, the ideal is to grow your own. But for those of us who can’t, I do think information in the form of labeling can help us make smarter decisions. The reason I did this blog is because it’s good to know that organic farmers are wanting to set their own standard and let us know about the food they are creating and I am eating. Bravo! And sorry if the hydroponic growers will be affected, but on the bright side I think they will more than make up for it (and any bad press) with the volume of fruits and vegetables they will be creating as well as the number of apartment dwellers that will now be able to grow their own fruits and vegetables at home and avoid the chemicals.

Happy Healthy Eating,
