Here’s where I don’t agree with Dr. Oz….

You want to make sure each meal contains foods from each of the three vital categories: protein, fiber and healthy fats.
Ok. I get that. But really… what are you recommending?
(Look at how he’s leaning forward looking not so happy now)! lol
- Cheese
- Chicken
- Eggs
- Fish
- Greek yogurt
- Enriched hempmilk
- Jerky
- 1% Organic milk
- Lean beef
- Quinoa
- Salmon
- Shellfish
I don’t agree with Dr. Oz.
Cheese? Chicken? Milk? You’re recommending milk??? Did we not see Forks over Knives? Did new information about how 5% animal protein steers you away from cancer and heart disease…. while 20% or more steers you towards it?
(I like the quinoa, Dr. Oz. I like the quinoa).
- Almonds
- Apple
- Baby carrots
- Barley
- Cantaloupe
- Energy bars (carefully read labels)
- Flaxseed
- Quinoa
- Strawberries
- Sweet potatoes
- Watermelon
- Lentils
- Oatmeal
- Oranges
- Pears
- Pistachios
- Whole wheat pasta
Whole wheat pasta? Really? I don’t agree with Dr. Oz. How about all the people allergic to wheat? There are so many people in that condition not knowing why they are experiencing tiredness or headaches after a meal…. this is the most undiscovered epidemic yet! Why are we setting the standard to Whole Wheat?
(I like the sweet potatoes, Dr. Oz. I like the sweet potatoes. Stick them in your quinoa).
Healthy Fats
- Almonds
- Almond butter
- Avocado
- Cashew butter
- Energy bars (carefully read labels)
- Peanut butter
- Pistachios
- Salmon
- Walnuts
Peanut Butter? Can you tell me what is the worst nut to eat? ….. think… think… think… That’s right. Peanuts!
(I like the avocado Dr. Oz. I like the avocado. Stick some in the quinoa with the sweet potatoes).
Other Stress-Reducing Foods
- Bananas (because of high potassium)
- Cinnamon
- Grapes
- Lemons
- Tomatoes