Which apple has the most antioxidants? Research by Chef Marian

Sitting around that same table with the girls, (that I talked about yesterday) and we are all wondering if there is such a thing as one apple having more antioxidants than another….

I thought: “That’s worth researching”! lol

So here we go with important answers to important questions! (Inquiring minds want to know)!

What’s the first thing I want to ask you?


Eat organic and you avoid pesticides and in some cases genetically modified fruit and veggies.

Whats the ‘tell’ that an apple is organic?


Notice the numbers on it. Organic Apples begin with a 9.


You are very welcome. Now to continue with today’s topic….. according to Science Daily, Red Delicious, Northern Spy and Ida Red contain more disease-fighting antioxidants than other apples studied, Canadian researchers say. They also pinpoint the individual chemical compounds responsible for antioxidant activity in apples”. 


Keep listening: “…..antioxidants, a group of chemicals that scavenge and neutralize unstable molecules called free radicals. Free radicals, which can wreak havoc on cells and tissues, appear to play a role in the onset of heart disease and prostate, colon and other cancers.


I’m sure you did. As do I. But it never hurts to be reminded of the damage free radicals can do.

But apparently different researchers come up with different studies and opinions about this topic. Lori Klein is a blogger and according to a study done in 2009 she’s quoting, here’s her research:

1.         Crab apple – Most antioxidants in this group
2.         Ida red
3.         Red delicious
4.         Honey crisp
5.         Granny Smith
6.         Cortland
7.         Braeburn
8.         Empire
9.         Golden delicious
10.       Macintosh
11.       Fuji
12.       Golden nugget – Least antioxidants in this group

*Although this study found which apple had the most antioxidants in the group, this does not take into account that nutrients and antioxidants may be better absorbed in certain varieties of apples.

Really? Really? What kind of study is that? Don’t we want to know which apple gives you antioxidants you can actually absorb?

Well go try to find that information on the web! You won’t! (Or at least I couldn’t)! So I’m wondering to what level that info is even really important. Maybe we should just stick with the concept that since both researches have Red Delicious in their top 3, we should go with that! Or maybe not. (I’m sure if you experiment with apples, there’s something to be said about individual bodies absorbing antioxidants at their own rate, and what may work well for me, may not be great for you). With that said, I would advise that (in the apple world) you should eat what ‘calls’ to you!

Some apple is way better than no apple! lol

The Department of Food and Science at Cornell University  takes it a step further by comparing fruits, to show us what fruit has the most antioxidants.

Cornell University Research
Cornell University Research

Well, apples are high on that chart, yes?


I’m comfortable with the apple being a good thing and saying to you they are high in antioxidants. Not sure about the absorption rates. (If you find out, please let me know)!

And remember that the antioxidants are both in the skin and just under the skin. I don’t care how good your cousin knows how to peel apples, all in one strip. Tell here to just ‘leave it on’! lol

Happy Eating,

Chef Marian