The Future, Heart Disease and YOU! I can be talking about so many topics here, so here’s clarification: Let me start by saying that because I have over 5,000 followers through this blog, my meetups and all my social media, people sometimes ask me to spread information about their events. There is a free luncheon in the La Jolla area tomorrow on planning for your future, financially. Reservations close tonight.
People who attended the last one said things like “Great information”, “Good to have access to the experts”……”Just what I was starting to look into. Great Luncheon”!
I know and trust the people running it. Know and trust they’re not going to pressure you into buying anything. It runs from noon to 1:30pm. So if you are interested in getting your name on the guest list, please email: and I’ll take care of that for you.

The future… the future… the future… I guess we shouldn’t be living in the future, but I know we should be planning for it. And the best way to plan for your future is to focus now on eating well.
People say: “You can either pay now, by investing in organic, or pay later – all those medical bills, all that pain”. And I think that’s true. Many of us have insides that are toxic and we don’t even realize it.
We may get gas, bloating, heartburn and other signs of what’s going on inside, but we either take medicine and never attack the real problem or we just live with it.
I was speaking with Joe Gary this morning, creator of the ‘Let’s Stay Healthy’ community along with products, and there’s so much more we can be doing with concentrated food and food combining. But first, we have to understand what is going on, on the inside.
Let me give you an example of our conversations… paraphrasing here for the most part:
So, I wanted to know about heart disease. You know when your pee smells funny? Well that’s your body’s way of telling you your body is too acidic. (I’ve had people call it ‘that old lady smell’… and that’s because things inside are basically rusting and turning your insides old). So Joe explained to me about the pee smell being an indicator of an acidic body. The liver recognizes that with all that acid in your blood, the blood is eating right through your arteries.
How’s that for a clear picture? I love talking to Joe.
Your liver at that point releases cholesterol. “Cholesterol patches those arteries and even the valve’s of the heart”, Joe says.
So the key to curing heart disease is to keep your blood alkaline.
We’ll talk more in the next blog about how to do that, but if you’re curious right now? Go google it and see what you learn!
I’m not kidding when I say Food is Your Best Medicine…. but there are so many roads you can go down, and every ‘body’ is different, so you really have to pay attention to what your body is telling you (what foods you are craving and why, etc.).
More tomorrow…..
Happy Eating,
Chef Marian