Salad. It’s something we’ve been told to eat. But usually when we think of salad, we either think of something soaking in dressing or mayo of some kind, and we sort of know the benefits… but not really, right?
Well, today I am going to edjamacate you and give you my ‘take’. And this is coming from someone who reduced inflammation greatly and shed some weight as a result. Ready to listen?
Most foods you eat, most liquids you consume…. even tonic water and seltzer, are acid in nature. The only liquid outside of water that hydrates you is coconut water. Those are two important facts. Why? Because you have a beer because you’re thirsty, and the beer dehydrates you (not to mention adds belly fat). Even tea, even soda. So water, PH Balanced Water and Distilled Water are your 3 choices on your road to hydration. And what happens when you stay hydrated?
We’ll go into that in my next blog. Suffice it to say that it’s really water that does a body good!
Onto salads: Remember I told you that Dr. Debbie says that as a general rule, Fruits and Vegetables are Alkaline, everything else is acid?
And did I mention that if you fill your plate with 51% raw veggies, that really helps balance whatever else you are eating, like fish, chicken, beef, etc.?
Well, let’s consider it. Fish, Chicken and Beef are acid. Veggies are Alkaline. Ya think so?
Well, that’s what I thought. And if you have to memorize some rules so that your brain hears them before you eat? I would say: a half hour before your meal, drink a couple of glasses of water. You do that, and 6 out of the 8 glasses you’re supposed to drink each day, are taken care of.
And second, remember: Cancer, Heart Disease…. and Disease in general cannot grow in an Alkaline Body. Want proof? Watch Forks over Knives on Netflix. You will be amazed at how well documented this is. It was enough to make me 90-95% vegan! I saved that 5-10 percent, so that when I see a Kobe slider, I can eat a Kobe slider….. when I want a couple of ribs, I eat a couple of ribs. But I save the animal protein for cravings only, with many meals in between that have plant based protein instead, like quinoa, chick peas, beans and rice, etc.
And a Big Thank You to Dr. Debbie Novick at Gold’s Wellness Center, who put me on this path. She has continuing Health and Wellness Classes she does for free, because she’s so committed to your good health. Go see her and tell her Chef Marian sent you, ok?
I was curious after seeing that movie, Forks over Knives and googled a whole bunch of stuff. Did you know there a clinic over the border in Mexico that people have gone to with 3 months to live, and after treatment was completed, they were cancer free? It’s amazing that the old saying “Let food be thy medicine” is true. But guess what? It is true.
And the reason I show you the pictures? To show you that you can create very different, very interesting salads that are totally satisfying, without it being soaked in dressing.
I will have a salad section in the Cookbook that is currently in Publication. And you will have the opportunity to purchase them at The Del Mar Fair in June. The Cookbook is called: “I’m Gluten, Soy and Sugar Free…. I’m not as much fun as I used to be”! lol Watching the YouTube video, will give you a preview of tomorrow’s blog on water, although I don’t believe that Kangen Water is the only water to use.
Advance copies of the Cookbook are $15.95. If you would like to help promote the Chef Marian Brand, invest in my future? You can send what ever amount you can afford, and you will automatically receive every cookbook of mine at no cost for the rest of this year (I have 2 more already written). You can Paypal me at my email listed on the ‘about’ page. Please include your address. The first 8 responses will get shipping free – or you can pick the book up at the Fairgrounds. To inspire you more? The first 8 will also be sent an ebook….. to have on your ipads and phones, to refer to when you’re at the market buying some of the ingredients.
I really love what I do. And anytime I can help you with understanding food and the logic behind eating the way I have learned to eat…. I’m a happy girl.
Some people say: ‘Wow! You have a lot of self control, more than me, Chef Marian’.
But it isn’t true. What I have is knowledge. And knowledge is power! It empowers you to take charge of yourself!
Happy Eating,
Chef Marian