Happy ‘after’ Valentine’s Day! And now all the sugar is gone…. desserts shaped in little hearts, heart candies, chocolate….
Let me start again….. after all the pasta is gone, all the wine that accompanied the pasta is gone…
Yes. That is a problem. Bread, Pasta, Wine…. it all converts to sugar. And sugar equals inflammation.
And I am telling myself this more than I am telling you…. it’s time to stop. Or at least to take a pause. And just think about what you want to be eating, how you want to be nourishing yourself.
No one ever got fat on fruits and vegetables. So how about starting your day with a green drink. Just vegetables whizzed up into a drink. Yes, you can add a little banana to thicken it. And you can add a little apple or dates to sweeten it. But just a little. Add some, and then add more if you need it.
Lunch? Just think veggies and add a splash of protein.
Dinner? Again. Keep thinking ‘more veggies than anything else on the plate’.
And a couple of times a week? How about pretending to be vegan or vegetarian? Fake it until you can make it! lol
Health wise, this is as important as anything we can to…. to nourish ourselves properly. I am happy to report that I haven’t eaten fast food in decades. If that’s your thing? Remember this: Baby Steps. Every time fast food calls to you, say to yourself “This one time, I will just say no”! lol And try to remember that soda doesn’t quench your thirst… it actually dehydrates you.
Use that craving for fast food to get some grass fed beef, some organic lettuce, tomato and onion, some healthy buns or even slider buns, some organic sweet potato or regular organic potato, and go home and whip it up. Learn to perfect that meal you always crave. That’s a baby step change to better health.
And one more thing: Make time. Figure out how to make time to create your own food. If it’s throwing veggies and protein in a crock pot before you go to work in the morning? Or ‘prepping’ veggies and putting them in water in the fridge, so you can just pull them out, dry them off and sauté them up in a pan when you get home….. figure out a way to make the time for the sake of your health.
It’s really, really hard to actually live life and stay in this head space. But I am here to be both your cheerleader and mine. I will let you know how it goes.
Happy Eating,