Talk about your favorite Garden Cafe? It’s called Stratford Court Cafe in the center of Del Mar (west side of the street, within site from Camino Del Mar). And here’s the Stratford Court Cafe Review… just to give you a ‘heads up’.
I went to their ‘about’ page, hoping to learn more about the family who owns it. But no! They’re all just working like dogs… and not wanting the spotlight to shine on them personally!
I met ‘the wife’ that works afternoons. (I understand the husband works the morning shift).
Yes. Yes I know. I blew it. But that’s ok, cause I took good pix of the place and the food. So that gives you a clear picture of the experience.
Are we ready to see the food?
All righty then! Here comes the food…. here comes the food…..

A simple half sandwich and half salad. I have to tell you, it was just a half a sandwich. I had some of the salad, but couldn’t finish cause I was stuffed!
When you serve quality, satisfying ingredients and you make the customer feel like you don’t skimp, and you put someone in a beautiful garden to eat your offerings… well, it just doesn’t get much better than that!
So I will tell you that I will be back there for sure.
Next offering?

Here’s the same exact sandwich on squaw bread with a side of salad and a side of pasta salad.
Here: take a look at part of the menu (they also have other sandwiches, smoothies and breakfast) and they also have vegetarian choices:
All served with homemade cilantro pasta salad & choice of sourdough, wheat, squaw bread, or tortilla.
Turf Club turkey, avocado, bacon, tomato, lettuce & ranch dressing on 3 pieces of toast 9.95
Vermonster smoked turkey, apple, cheddar & cranberry mayo on toast 9.45
Thai Chicken Wrap chicken breast, tomato, carrots, arugula, lettuce & hoisen peanut sauce 9.45
La Jollan roast beef & cheddar cheese with lettuce, tomato, red onion & horseradish mayo 9.95
Del Mar roasted turkey, avocado, tomato, lettuce & mayo 9.45
Avocado BLT with mayo on toast 9.45
The ‘Del Mar’. That’s what I ordered. $9.45. Seems to be a number they like. So, lunches under ten bucks. Of course if you want to add Green Tea (they had 3 choices), it’s a little more. But look at the beautiful bowl (with a handle) they serve the tea in, and see how they use a stick through a bag to steep the tea. Pretty cool! I actually have a cup like this at home but I use it to serve soup in.
Well, that’s the scoop about Stratford Court Cafe! Tell them Chef Marian sent you, when you go in!
Happy Eating,
Chef Marian