It’s a crazy headline but: A side of cancer with that hamburger is a reality.
According to our local San Diego newspaper, The Union Tribune, a new report published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition advises you to avoid dairy products, avoid or at least limit alcohol consumption, stay away from red and processed meats, and double down on fruits and vegetables.
Not to put my own two cents in here but it says clearly in a later chart that when they are talking about alcohol consumption, they’re talking about over drinking, not a glass of wine with your meal. And yet below, someone says that even one glass isn’t good. I wonder if I eat Kale and drink wine, how that would work! Naw! It’s probably true. Alcohol is toxic. I’d better think twice before I grab a glass, making it only for special occasions, like my BIRTHDAY this Thursday! lol
Here’s more from the article:
Dr. Alshafie Hassan, an internal medicine specialist with Sharp HealthCare in Chula Vista is quoted as saying:
“Any researcher, any biochemist, knows that animal products do promote cancer. It’s unequivocal, but nobody wants to hear it,” Hassan said.
Well, we can understand why, can’t we? People make a lot of money promoting hamburger. We’ve even got a Beef Industry that powers a lot of the publicity or usually can stifle things that are not favorable. (Glad they didn’t get to this report)!
Here’s the newspaper reports’ summary of what all of these studies clearly show about food and cancer:
•Dairy products: Every 35 grams of dairy protein consumed daily can raise the risk of prostate cancer by 32 percent. Fats in dairy also can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Yet experts warned that calcium is still vital to bone health and the prevention of colorectal cancer, so it should be absorbed from sources such as soy and certain vegetables.
•Alcohol: One drink per week increases the odds of getting throat cancer by 24 percent. Two to three drinks per day elevates the risk of colorectal cancer by 21 percent. Researchers also note, however, that moderate alcohol use is associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular and Alzheimer’s disease.
•Red and processed meats: Every 50 grams consumed per day boosts the risk of colon and rectal cancers by 21 percent. Red meat is also a source of protein, iron and zinc, meaning that an intake reduction should be correlated with plant-based alternatives.
Grilled, fried or broiled meats: Studies associate these preparation methods with four chemicals that are linked to colorectal cancer.
•Soy products: Natural soy foods are encouraged for women who want to significantly cut their risk of breast cancer. They’re also recommended as healthy sources of calcium and protein for both genders.
•Fruits and vegetables: Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, kale and cabbage are associated with an 18 percent reduced risk of colorectal, lung and stomach cancers. A diet high in tomatoes is associated with a 27 percent reduction in the risk of gastric cancer.
So there you have it! An updated report of how food can be your best medicine or your worst nightmare. If you go back in my blogs about getting thinner and healthier, you will find me talking about dairy and my opinions which are clearly supported by this report. I have 270 blogs dating back years that talk about food being your best medicine. If you have some time? Do one of two things.
Go through this site and read everything you can. Each article I have done is complete with research – not just my opinions.
And, if you have time on the 14th, 29th, 26th or July 1st come down to the Del Mar Fairgrounds. I will be cooking outside on stage (kiddie area near the rides) and not only will I be creating healthy meals for you to taste, but friends like Vegan Expert Tracy Childs (July 1st we’re doing a vegan lasagna CookOFF), will be there. Marissa Joinson from The Intuitive Kitchen kicks off the first event on the 14th and several local home cooks will be joining me with their healthy recipes and conversations on how to get yourself into a healthier you!
We’re filming so come see yourself on YouTube! lol
Happy Eating,
Chef Marian