There are so many people that are afraid of eating raw fish, but there may be an answer. San Diego’s Sushi apparently has the new and improved Harney Sushi!
Nate Hindman and Joe Epstein did not give Chef Marian a written invitation, when they decided to go on the road and explore food across America this summer. Hey! I would have brought my video crew and Produced and Edited all their videos for you to see. Dude!
Oh well. I guess we’ll have to wait for the book! lol
During a trip to San Diego they discovered that Harney Sushi Chef Executive Chef Rob Ruiz (how excited are we?) has created Edible CR Codes.
Now some of you might have guessed that some fish is sprayed with chemicals to keep them looking brighter longer. So even if the fish is older, it still looks edible. And to tell you the truth? That was always one of my concerns.
It’s the same reason I won’t go to a buffet. I know that many of them spray their veggies to keep them looking better longer. And my body just doesn’t process chemicals. And guess what?
Neither does yours.
According to this article I just read, there are terrible things being done to fish and passed off at restaurants as upscale fish.
Crazy, huh?
But they’re getting away with it. This article says that “A recent report found that 52% of seafood in Southern California was mislabeled, the highest rate of mislabeling in the U.S. Nationally, the study showed that one-third of sushi was not what restaurants said it was.
“Some of the fish substitutions we found are just disturbing,” one of the report’s authors wrote”.
I guess that’s why Chef Ruiz felt the need to create some kind of trackable program.
Very funny. Not!
Here’s something more from the article that details what Chef Ruiz is actually doing:
“The codes are printed on rice paper with water-based ink and stuck to Harney’s sushi. Diners who use their smartphones to scan them will soon be able to see … where their fish was hooked, and even the actual faces of the fishermen behind the catch”.
How cool is that? Would you say that we need to give a big thank you, to Chef Ruiz? Well San Diego, I think part of that Thank You, is that is Sashimi sales have doubled at his restaurant!
But I say go into Harney Sushi!
Let ’em know you read about them on ChefMarian.com.
And give ’em a hug for me!
Happy Eating,
Chef Marian