New Products 2018

New Products 2018

Every so often, I receive industry emails that tell us what will be on our shelves shortly. I like to share that info with you… so today’s blog is New Products 2018.

Maple Vinegar…. that’s a really interesting concept that absolutely will provide another layer of taste to hit the taste buds on your tongue.

We may see products from Herbalist & Alchemist David Winston’s Metabolic Support that contains “bitter melon, cinnamon, fenugreek, olive, artichoke, holy basil, and Lyceum. Together, the herbs support healthy blood sugar levels already in the normal range”.

Performance Tea Focus Super Functional Tea
We are all taking or considering taking herbs and sometimes we might like an easy tea with herbs and mushrooms. “Designed with improved energy, in mind”. 

Lone Star Botanicals Good Vibes Only Herbal Tea

According to New Hope Network “This USDA Organic tea is formulated to promote wakeful calm—not necessarily to put you to sleep. Ingredients such as St. John’s Wort, ginger root, lavender, and cinnamon will encourage relaxation, and uplift your mood”.

I can tell you first hand, Macha does the same thing. Macha comes in many forms…. even pistachios with Macha! Nice snack.

And finally, because they just mentioned it, let’s get to sleep. I don’t know about you, but I don’t sleep well. I’m sure more exercise would do it… but I just haven’t got time for the pain. lol. But I’ll bet I have time for a ‘cup a tea’.

Snoooze Natural Sleep Drink Regular
This company takes lemon balm, valerian root, passionflower, and linden flower extract to help you get to sleep. “We love how this product uses time-tested herbs rather than melatonin—which can induce grogginess the following morning”. 

Well, since pot is legal in California, I have started trying all different forms to get me to sleep and to stay asleep. I personally think that when you are married for 30 years and used to having another soul in bed, and then you no longer have that, it affects your sleep, for sure.

I’ve had dogs my whole life and now I am free from needing to come home to feed or walk the dog. So that’s not really an option. I have tried gummies, a vape pen (which they say isn’t smoke, but since I don’t like smoke of any kind) and a tincture.

I still wake up every two hours. I know more exercise would do it, but every time I start exercising more without a trainer, I hurt myself. Yikes!

Any suggestions? I’m all ears! lol

Healthy Happy Eating,