Less is more. We all know this. But is this something we actually practice? Probably not. If you saw yesterdays’ blog, Summer Salad then you know that just handfuls of this and that can create a beautiful eating experience! And that’s what I am interested in talking about today.

Let me show you this picture….. —————->
That’s a simple rye crisp with melted cheese and a couple of tomatoes with melted cheese. Ya think there’s a lot of cheese on there?
Well, you would be right. If you sliver your cheese (that’s a technical term) lol, I mean if you cut things very thinly, you’ll still get all the flavor without all the calories.
You know how our bodies do not process today’s cheese, right?
But that doesn’t stop any of us, now does it? lol
Well, I am in experimental mode today, trying a new cheese: goat brie. My friends swear by it so now I’m going to give it a whirl. Wait. Wait a minute. I’m putting in on the rye crisp cracker…. it’s going into my mouth now….. Mmmmm….
Boy have I been missing the boat! And that’s what I want you to say when you do your experimenting!
I was watching a show where they ‘fund’ restaurants yesterday and do you know there are people out there taking fresh anchovies and deep frying them, and they are actually good? Well, I think anything deep fried would taste good. So that’s probably not a big trick.
Anchovies are really good for ya, but I wonder if all their value is lost once you deep fry them. It’s like having a bowl of fruit and covering it in sugar! lol
Get’s get back to the concept of ‘sliver’. Wanna see what ‘slivered’ cheese looks like?
Well here you go:

Doesn’t that look highly edible? YUM! Wouldn’t you like to dive in head first? Aren’t I the greatest photographer you’ve ever met? lol
Back to slivering…..Well you can do that with other things like veggies…
Ever take onions home and then when you cut in, it’s thick rings? Well, that’s because they are older and probably a little sharp. Aaaaah! That’s why they created onion rings. Something to do with the older onions. Cool.
Can we talk ‘sliver’? Just sliver your onions, and they will have the great flavor you are looking for even if they’re older.
It’s amazing, but it’s how you cut your vegetables and protein that makes a difference in taste and texture. When you take the time, it’s a better eating experience. It’s no accident that there are all kinds of slicers and dicers on the market today.
And I think that’s one of the reasons I am here talking to you. I would like you to enjoy the best, the healthiest, the prettiest and the most flavorful experience at meal time, even if it takes a little extra effort.
I can tell you first hand, that when I put a recipe together and use maybe one or two more ingredients, but less of each? It works!
Time for you to start experimenting! Will you do that for me?
Well alright, alright, alright! lol
Happy Eating,
Chef Marian