It’s time to talk about sugar….

Halloween is certainly a ‘some is good, more is better’ kind of holiday. So I say: It’s time talk about sugar….

I probably should say It’s time to talk about sugar…. again! 

You’ve still got bags and bags of candy at the house from the kids and you don’t know how to make it all go away. Plus you find yourself sifting thru it and bringing back some childhood memories yourself. But if you shift your thinking about the holidays and sugar, starting with Halloween you will create a new culture in the house.

When I say this, I also think beyond …. into Thanksgiving and the holidays that follow where almost every dish has cream, butter and sugar added, sometimes for no particular reason. If you have to use those items to find flavor then you my friend, are missing the boat. There’s plenty of savory flavors to explore. You may want to head over to my recipes category after this. Year after year, I have revamped great recipes to make them healthier and still flavorful. You can do it!

In 2013, I wrote a blog about how to talk to your kids and come to a fair, decent decision that doesn’t leave your kids feeling ripped off, and still gets the candy out the house. READ THIS.

And then, see if you can use anything I’ve said, anything I think about or have tried with my own two kids when they were young, that makes sense for you.

We watch our kids totally act out after being loaded down with sugar. We see inflammation in its’ worst. And we know it’s not a good deal for us or the kids, but we just don’t know how to stop it.

I mean, you can’t be mean and deny the kids, right? You don’t want to single them out as different, right? And yet, I’m pretty proud of myself that I came up with the blog that shares how to get the sugar out of the house after Halloween. I was proud at the time and all these decades later, I’m still proud.

If you know someone that can use this advise, please pass it on. You won’t see suggestions like the one I came up with, anywhere else on the web. It’s certainly worth the ‘read’ and it’s certainly worth passing on.

This is that old story of ‘when you know better, you do better.

And trust me, you can do it!

Healthy Happy Eating,