Help with Food on the Holidays….?
Seriously! The trick is Salad! One of the things we do is go to a party hungry. Why not make a quick salad? That will make you feel less hungry and help your body to stay alkaline. And we know that disease cannot grow in an alkaline body, so it’s a double deal for you!
Again, at the party piling on the beef? Eating sugar and carbs? Save whatever salad you can find, for your dessert. It can even be fruit salad.
Think about how they do things in Europe. Main dish, then salad. Why do you think they do that? I think because they’re on to something, something some of us are first catching on to now?
Yes. Yes it could. Disease cannot grow in an alkaline body. So if you use salad to keep yourself alkaline and then use salad to get your body back to alkaline, and no other trick this holiday season, you’ve done fine!
There’s one more thing I’ll share with you about how to get through the holidays without gaining 10 pounds (the average nationwide that we all gain each holiday season).
Practice my 3 Bite Rule:
- First Bite: Wow! That’s gooood.
- Second Bite: Geeeeez. This IS good!
- Third Bite: Now I’m being naughty.
Three bites of anything never hurt anyone. I say that generally. Now don’t go eating something that will kill ya! lol
3 Bites certainly won’t put 10 pounds on you this holiday season unless you take 3 Bites of everything. lol Perhaps you can limit yourself to 2 proteins, 2 carbs, 1 drink and 1 dessert. Does that sound like something you can do and not feel deprived? If so, go for it! Worst case scenario? You cheat and eat a extra tasting. Way less harm than going in without a menu in mind.
Something different you hadn’t considered before? If you think it has value, go ahead and send it to friends and stick a link to this blog on your social media!
If you are mindful of the possibility of grabbing a salad before and after a party, mindful of the Three Bite Rule then I think you’re well on your way to a better holiday lifestyle. I mean we’re just talking about the next 7 or 8 days, right?
And if you can combine that with ‘a glass of water before and after a glass of alcohol’, you may very well get through this holiday and look the same or better!
Personally, I gave up sugar (and things that turn right to sugar like bread, pasta and wine) before Thanksgiving. I do that every year. This year I also went Vegan. Now I’m not sure if that’s a permanent change or if I will end up being a Vegetarian, but either way, I haven’t really been a fan of Beef, Chicken or Fish for some time now so….. (I can name on one hand the things I think I can’t live without).
I will stay as close to a vegan lifestyle and that should do my body good.
Merry Christmas!