Look how cute: Healthy is the New Happy. Makes sense to me. Makes sense to you?
What I like even better is the the saying below the picture: “Take a 10-Day Vacation from Processed Foods”.
Do you still eat processed food? Really? And not by accident?
Well then, this blog is for you. It may just be the ‘wake up’ call you need to consider taking time off from junk food, just to see how it makes you feel. And then let me know if you think Healthy is the New Happy.
Thanks. On with today’s info and the story that is attached to Healthy is the New Happy.
I walked the Healthy Living Festival at the Fairgrounds today with members of Euro Lovers and Friends and San Diego Foodies. What a blast!
And I would agree with the poster: Healthy is the new Happy. Think about it. Who is miserable? (No, not your cousin Ida). People who are sick.
Recently I came down with the flu. The first day my throat hurt. I immediately started taking Elderberry Syrup, to prevent viruses and Oregano Oil in caplets, to prevent Bacteria. The next day the sore throat was gone. Two days later, I had a dry throat. I started my homeopathic remedies again. Next day, no problem.
Eventually it did catch me. I did get a headache. I did wake up with a runny nose which escalated to either a flu or strong cold. But throughout the sickness, I plied myself with Zinc and other remedies to make it go through me quickly.
Another thing to be said: I felt that being sick and healing myself with a deep homeopathic boost, was like a deep cleanse. While I am still on the coughing tail end, I have more energy and strength than I have had in a while and I feel really good.
I am pleased that I live in a place where we have things like a Healthy Living Festival, where we can look at and try out crystals, hear about ph balanced water, eat vegan gelato, receive samples of really cool soap, and even see belly dancers on stage. Today’s event at the Fairgrounds, hangin’ with my girls, was really fun and educational.
I am happy that healthy means happy to many of us. And that we are paying attention to how food affects us in our ‘day to day’.
I will be at the Fairgrounds on stage June 5th and 18th teach ‘Food is your Best Medicine” and “Cancer Fighting Foods”. Hope you will come out and support me and spread the good word.
Happy Healthy Eating,