Food Success!

Food Success! That’s today’s topic!

What does that mean, Chef?

Well, it means that most of us are not eating like cave men and women and therefore in order to eat right, we need to do  planning.

And the plan starts with getting your mind into “Game Mode”.

If you were going into a business, you would create a Mission Statement, a Financial Statement and a Game Plan, no?

Yes Chef!

So, much like that, we need to do those things for you. What’s your mission? To loose weight? To get healthy? Then the first thing you need to do is (much like a gratitude journal) is have daily affirmations morning and night, that repeat to yourself in the mirror what you want. This is to program your subconscious (which if you are like most people, is constantly sabotaging you).

Second, you need to wrap your mind around the fact that Organic means success. Food tastes better and you do not have to pay more. If you shop and then 2 weeks later go through your vegetable drawers to see what is wasted, and add that number to your budget you will find you do have that extra money to buy Organic.

Now that we have your financial objections squared away, let’s talk about shopping. If you shop for fresh fruit and vegetables (1 – 2 days worth) and buy fresh (much like the Europeans do), you will waste less and eat better.

So, the last part of this is really easy. Put a fork and knife down in a plus sign on your plate (which gives you 4 portions). Make one section vegetables and the one across from it vegetables. Put protein in another empty space and carbs in your last space. Now, painlessly, you have doubled your portion of vegetables and cut down on the amount of protein and carbs you eat. The key is to develop better habits effortlessly!

Want to take this one step further? Change your plate size to one level smaller. You won’t feel like you have eaten less, but you will eat less. Getting healthier doesn’t have to be a new fad diet (because you know if you go on a diet, you go off a diet and that’s where the real pounds start adding on).

Enjoy Success! You can do this!

One more quick comment: The flora (bacteria) in your gut screams out for sugar, based on all the sugar (or things like pasta and processed sugar) you have been eating. It’s not willpower that will make a difference. It’s changing that flora, by cutting out processed sugar, bread, white rice, white potatoes etc. And here’s the good news…. If you can cut down or cut out these items it only takes 21 days to break a bad habit. When sugar is no longer ‘calling’ to you, it will look like will power, but actually be effortless.

After 21 days, processed sugar or milk chocolate will taste too sweet, and dark chocolate and just a little of it, will satisfy that craving for sweets.

Last recommendation: Any of Michael Pollan’s books. Great inspiration!

Healthy Happy Eating,