Food is Your Best Medicine

7 – 10 years ago, I was a paid speaker and expert at the Del Mar Fairgrounds. I was teaching

Chef Marian teaching Cooking and Nutrition

Cooking, Nutrition and if you were there, I gave out prizes.

If I asked you what kind of vitamin was in a certain fruit or vegetable, and you got it right? You got a prize! I love giveaways! It’s fun for me!

I covered all kinds of topics including Food is Your Best Medicine, probably before it was cool to call it that.

I just really felt sure that many of our ailments we can cure ourselves by eating the right food or fasting, giving your system a chance work on your cold, instead of using its’ energy to process food.

What’s the biggest issues? Being clogged. And what kind of food creates mucus? You guessed it. Milk products. So while I’m very comforted by Mac and Cheese or Ice Cream, those are things I still away from when I’m sick. Make sense? Lucky for me, I’ve brainwashed myself into oat milk and away from milk in general. And It’s usually Coconut not Milk Based Ice Cream, for me too. Still working on my addiction to cheese. Just how do you stop that!?! I give myself some grace, and just stop what I can. 

How did I get sick so quickly? So this time around I went to take care of my one year-old grandson. And wouldn’t you know it? He had a cold. And this is not just an ordinary cold. When he sneezes, he SNEEZES!  My daughter calls it Snot Rockets. And he just looks up at me, helpless.

So Nana into action. And sometimes, when there’s nothing around to wipe him, what do I use? My hands. Just so it doesn’t go into his mouth. As much as I try to wash my hands every time, within days I too have a cold. This isn’t Covid mind you… It’s just an ordinary All-American cold or maybe even a light strain of the flu.

Great Homeopathic Medicine

So the first thing I do? I get some Oscillococcinum by Boiron. I remember the early days when adults that were caring for me would go get a Z-Pak. That is the strongest antibiotic that seems to work on me. But now that we know better, now that we know that antibiotics deplete your gut biome of good bacteria, we just don’t do that anymore.

And I finally realize something important:  if you sneeze or cough up mucus and it’s white, there’s no infection. You don’t need an antibiotic. Won’t work on you and you won’t get better any faster. Did you know that? It took me a very long time to find that out, which is why I’m sharing. It’s only when it turns green that you know you have an infection. Lovely. Huh?

What little I was coughing up was white. So the first thing I did was start this preventative medicine that is supposed to, if you catch it quick enough, reduce the amount of time that you’re sick. For me it actually does a little more than that. Instead of going straight to my lungs, it actually helps me heal to have less of an impact by the time it gets there.

I put these small balls under my tongue, so it gets into my system fast, called Oscillococcinum. I get their strongest strength, so I can take it every 6 hours, instead of every two or three.

The second thing I do is get my hands on some Mullein Tea. The lady that handles my

Organic Mullein Leaf Tea

acupuncture (and if you are in San Diego and looking for a real healer, reach out and I will connect you two) tells me that if I make it and let it steep overnight on the counter, in the morning it’ll be that much more effective for aiding the lungs. Can you imagine a tea the goes right to cleaning up your lungs? This is it. Organic Mullein Tea. You can order it online.

So I do that for a couple of days. The third thing I do is I eat radishes because radishes clear any mucus. And I think I was telling you about what to do with Food? I give myself the first three days to drink lots of water, tea and broth. That’s it. I am absolutely sure this gives my body a chance to work on what’s ailing me.

I can tell you within 24 hours and the shut down of food, I no longer felt sick. My nose is running less and less day after day until it stops. It of course goes to my lungs, (weak spot for me). And here I sit a week or two later still experiencing an occasional dry cough but I will say that I am totally better.

No …. not all things work for all people. But I did want to share these things with you in case you wanna try them out. Stay well my friends.