We didn’t start the fire! Lightening your load this fire season…

Fire Clouds
Fire Clouds

A reader of mine called to my attention that my blog was coming off glib, so I want to FIRST say:

For those of you who have lost your homes, your precious photos, and memorabilia, my heart goes out to you. I remember how bad I felt when we were evacuated years ago. Please be grateful you are safe, and I hope all your best pictures are in the cloud!

If you’re interested in helping during this crisis, please contact the CRA. They are coordinating chef efforts to bring food, water and supplies to the firemen and those affected by these terrible fires.

Now, let’s go back to my typical sarcastic and quirky mode and see if we can lighten that load.
We didn’t start the fire

It was always burning
Since the world’s been turning

We didn’t start the fire
No we didn’t light it
But we tried to fight it

             -Billy Joel


What are ya, living under a rock? Haven’t you seen the news?  Aaaah, you live in Arizona. Ok. I understand.

Well, yesterday was a nightmare here in San Diego – with fires in Rancho Bernardo, spreading to Santa Luz and onto Rancho Santa Fe.

Then today’s fires were Camp Pendleton, Carlsbad, San Elijo and San Marcos, while some of the others continue to burn, with high winds from time to time blowing the cinders and creating new problems… And people in surrounding communities are telling me it’s raining ashes, like it did years ago, when we had the fires then. But those fires were created as they spread, not in a ton of different areas, like we’re experiencing now.

And the Carlsbad Fire Chief is saying he thinks this is too much of a ka winky dink to be a ka winky dink.

So now, it’s probably worth watching a newscast, to see what proof they uncover about how these fires started.


Well, first I heard from my daughter and other local friends they might have to evacuate so…. I ran to the market! Of course! My daughter and her man are vegan, so that means another level of buying. And it’s all good cause fruits and vegetables are in my diet too! Not so much the vegan bread. But hey! There’s always people around to eat what I make or buy!

I’m the lucky one this time around. I’m not in the line of fire. Aaaah… that’s where that saying comes from!

Happy Eating,

Chef Marian