Cooking Healthy at The Del Mar Fairgrounds this summer!

Chef Marian at the Del Mar Fairgrounds last summer
Chef Marian at the Del Mar Fairgrounds last summer

We are coming into summer again, and as I did last year, I will be Cooking Healthy at the Del Mar Fairgrounds. Click HERE for a quick video, a couple of minutes from last years Cooking Classes.

Here I am (pictured) teaching you to serve a healthy cooked apple dessert in a wine glass, just for fun!

I have to thanks Lance Roll, the Flavor Chef who is the king of bone brothery! He sells his broth nationwide and gives you that flavor you’re always looking for when you buy canned or boxed broth.

A special thanks to him asking me year after year to teach. I always share the spotlight other fine chefs who either come and sous chef or teach one of their favorite dishes, some who have never been on stage only in a classroom. The criteria is that they will be Cooking Healthy with me in their corner, and all my years of onstage teaching. You know for sure – I’ve got their back. I will most probably be using my friend Jen to shoot it, and then my own experience of scripting, editing and posting on YouTube. So much fun! It’s always been a wonderful experience for all!

And this year I am doing something really special, featuring the next generation of chefs! You can see me on stage June 14th, 19th, 26th and July 1st.

I will give you a sneak preview of what you’ll be learning: I taught two interesting dishes at ‘MOMFest’ this year; a really yummy garlic, ginger hoisin sauce chicken and brown rice with veggies and a quinoa salad with sweet potatoes that everyone really loved. And those dishes or vehicles as I like to call them, gave me an opportunity to talk about all the health benefits of the spices I used, plus some really cool cooking tips. So those will be part of two of the 4 classes I teach, for sure!

Healthy and flavorful. That’s the trick!

By the way, I just found out that I’m not the only one who started a ‘no sugar fast’ this past Monday. When I turned on Katie Couric yesterday (I record it and watch it later), I realized she’s running a no sugar campaign herself – which shows to go ya, ‘Great minds think alike’.

A special shout out to Katie for really doing her part in getting America healthy!

Remember: Sugar = inflammation. Your cells are jumping up and down SCREAMING every time you sugar out. One bite? Two bites? Even three bites won’t kill ya! But I’m talking about 22 or more teaspoons a day of sugar, instead of no more than six!

Hope to see you at The Del Mar Fairgrounds this June/July!

Happy Eating,

Chef Marian