My blogs are usually friendly and helpful. But the most recent thing I heard about UTC Mall paying off people that have been mugged there during the construction, that there is even Danger at UTC Mall makes me have to stand up and be counted. I have thought this over for weeks now, because it is not my intent to instill fear or hurt the businesses at UTC Mall (La Jolla). But I will say this: I am pissed.
First, I heard a story about a gang of dark and light skinned young adults acting like kids (20-30 year olds) trolling UTC Mall during the construction. The first incident was reported to me in the space between Red Robin and Macy’s. An older gentleman was carrying his computer and one of these guys started talking to him, trying to get him to ‘engage’.
Half way down the outside walkway, more guys met up with this guy. They were talking and looking at him. He said they turned up the small music blaster one of the guys was carrying on his shoulder. The gentleman in question, who felt like he was about to be mugged, did a quick about face and walked away. Not sure if he walked or ran into the closest store and then ran out the other end. But he told me he definitely was scared and felt they were going to attack him.
The next story comes a couple of weeks ago, from a girl with her arm in a sling, walking to her car in the parking lot between….. you guessed it, Red Robin and Macy’s. All of a sudden she felt someone rudely bump into her. As she turned to say “what the f***”, she noticed his hand on the shoulder part of her purse. He pushed her to the ground, took her purse, and noticed her keys fell to the ground which he scoffed up as well. She started screaming…. to no avail.
The Westfield Mall paid her off with gift cards, etc. But …. so what? Do the gift cards really help the pain of being pushed to the ground with a sore arm and victimized? Does that help the memory of that experience?
I am not one to complain. When I do restaurant reviews, I highlight what I think you will like. My focus is never on what’s bad unless or if it is outrageous.
Well this, my friend, is outrageous.
I have been to UTC Mall 2 times since then (not alone) and they have not heightened their security. Maybe you should call them, and ask when they plan to do that… ? I know I plan to do that next week. And I will keep you updated.
If you have a similar story please contact me. We are not victims. We stand up for ourselves and others. These guys may think they can get by with this, Westfield Shopping Center may think they can get by without deep security, but they can’t. I won’t let them and neither should you.
Sorry for the rant, but someone has to alert you. The newswoman in me will not report this to any of today’s on air newspeople, in light of how sensational the news has become.
But I did want you to know. If you care, post this everywhere.