I cannot tell you how excited I am, to have launched my Founding Membership for Chef Marian Kitchen Confident. It’s live, meaning you can have access to it and join for this week only. The doors close midnight April 19, 2024 and they won’t open again until the end of the year (for another week). I am welcoming 100 Founding Members worldwide.
I can’t tell you how long it’s been, that I’ve been working on Chef Marian Kitchen Confident. It all started with a Tony Robbins Business Mastery Course that I took which morphed into Stu McLaren and his Membership Course which morphed into Amy Porterfield and her Course Creation Course.
And finally last night at 2 AM after all this time, all the expense, and all this fear of flying, my

plane took off. I have been promoting it all month to everyone who would listen and actually put it up on Facebook earlier in the evening but I didn’t have the explanation video to go with it. Well, I do now!
And the thing about it that is so ah-mazing is creating the video was nothing but fun for me. I call myself a One Man/Woman Band at the end of the video because I did my own hair and make up, I did the lighting of the set, I wrote and produced the content and afterwards I had to do all the editing to get it up and running on YouTube. I hadn’t edited anything in years. So I had to re-learn all that and it wasn’t until after midnight that I had the video available for editing. So that’s pretty remarkable. Stressful but fun at the same time. I can’t wait to have a crew to do everything. It definitely takes a tribe, takes a village I should say. But this one time I was my own everything.
Have you ever found yourself in a situation like that? You just had to push forward even though you had no help or support? I think that’s why I created help and support for people that want to save time, save money and eat better. There’s nothing better than having a chef in your pocket and a community of like-minded people to support you, that you can support back.
If you are one of my many followers here or on Instagram and Facebook which are now called Chef Marian Kitchen Confident, I hope you will put aside a half hour to watch my new video that totally explains what’s going on with me and what I hoped to accomplish in the next couple of years.
As I’ve said to a few other people, I am a combination of very excited and nauseous at this point in time. But with over 40,000 readers and followers I think it’s reasonable to expect 100 Founding Members to sign on this week. Especially since the funds for the Founding Membership are going to No Face Goes Un Fed, to end hunger in San Diego, then franchise.
It’s now four years ago that I came up with this concept to end hunger and if I have peaked your interest, and you want to save time save money and eat better I hope you’ll make time for this video. WATCH HERE. If it’s not for you but you know three people that would love it, I’m hoping you’ll pass it on. Thanks so much for continuing to be connected!