I am dedicating this blog to my experience Sunday when I was on stage at the Del Mar Fairgrounds for the Chef Marian Cooking Class. I teach a free Food & Nutrition Class as many as 4 times every summer going into my 4th year and I am always pleased, always amazed at who turns out.
OMG! Do I have the best audiences? You bet!
A special shout out to The Flavor Chef and Lance Roll who pulls this beautiful series together year after year!
When I do any kind of a ‘gig’, whether it’s on stage, at a company, or in someone’s home for a Food and Wine Event or a Cooking Class and people say afterwards: “I learned so much. I really like that you’re a former newscaster and you researched all of this and can share it. Thank you”, I am so blown away. So happy to be of service!
I limit personal teaching to 8 people a year I help to learn a better way to shop, a healthier more flavorful way of creating food. (And many of them slim down, even though our goal is to just get them healthy)! Sometimes we cook food for the entire week on a Sunday, or do a kids cooking class. Nothing but fun for me!
Anyway, whoo hoo for Chef Marian! This time around, I took some of the lessons learned at the SEO Classes that I have taken, and had the videographer shoot the testimonials. I would link them right here, but there hasn’t been enough time for me to edit.
I know I can only get part of the information I shared on stage in this one blog, so I promise within a day or two to do a second blog: Chef Marian Cooking Class Part II. I will have more information plus the testimonials.
Sound good?
Well, alrighty then. We’re off to the races! (Fitting because were basically at ‘the track’)! lol
First I should probably say the class is called “Food is Your Best Medicine”. We played a card game asking the audience to guess answers in exchange for prizes, which included tickets to the Belly Up, (the winner was really happy to get those), tools and spices for the kitchen and a beautiful Sarong donated by The Bali Boutique and Art Gallery, at 1125 Camino Del Mar Suite D in Del Mar, one of our great sponsors (also on Facebook).
Here’s some of the ways you can prevent or cure illness and disease. Of course, although I have done extensive research and only present ideas I’ve heard over and over by different sources, please never take what I say in place of your own judgement or the doctors advising you. Good?
Ok. Here is the TOP 12 ways to prevent or cure illness:
- Cough – Dandelion Tea
- Building Bones – Calcium & Vitamin D (Vitamin D improves Calcium absorption & bone growth
- Improve Circulation – Quality dark unprocessed Cocoa Powder
- Spice to stimulate immune system – Garlic, Turmeric, Ginger
- Muscle Spasms – Pro athletes use a teaspoon of yellow mustard right out of the squeeze container
- Arthritis -Turmeric cuts inflammation. Use it on your potatoes instead of salt and pepper!
- Stomach Ache – Peppermint Tea
- Lower Blood Pressure – Magnesium/Potassium found in asparagus, bananas, leafy greens, cantaloupe, sweet potatoes (skin on) and squash
- Lowering Cholesterol – Oat meal, oat bran, apples, pears, kidney beans, shitake mushrooms
- Regulate Blood Sugar – Cloves
- Heartburn – a tspn baking soda and honey, add club soda, drink fast
- Gray Hair – Banana’s, carrots, and fish high in iodine (if you eat fish)
We also answered the question: “What’s wrong with Farmed Salmon”?
Fish eat fish. That’s nature’s way. But when salmon are farmed, in some cases, they are being fed GMO corn. And if you remember some of my other blogs, my issue with anything GMO isn’t about genetic modification: it’s about the lack of money invested into long term testing to determine if it’s good for you or not!
By the end of the show we had 25 people sitting and 3 rows of people standing behind them. What a turnout for this Cooking Class!
My second blog (coming this week) will give you the 30 foods you should look at for possibly incorporating them into your daily life, one at a time over a period of time (lifestyle changes – baby steps – don’t be too hard on yourself or give yourself a task not possible to accomplish), more clues on how to heal yourself or prevent disease with food, plus I will share my trick to clean your oven without chemicals and what I use on my face as a moisturizer every day of my life (you won’t believe it)! lol
Missed this free Cooking Class? I will be back on stage June 18th doing “Cancer Fighting Foods”, with more games, more prizes. We are in the Home & Hobby Building, 2nd floor, 2:30pm.
Mad thanks to those who showed this past Sunday from San Diego Foodies, Carlsbad Foodies and Euro Lovers and Friends…. and more! Looking forward to seeing you on the 18th!
Healthy Happy Eating,