America is the worlds’ Biggest Importer of Wine. Not China. Not Thailand.
Not Brussels. Not Russia.
This just out from the CIA. Not the feds.
The Culinary Institute of America.
Here’s what they say:
“The U.S. is the world’s biggest consumer of still and sparkling wine by both volume and value – and it is set to grow within the next five years, research organisation International Wine and Spirit Research (IWSR) said during a presentation (at a London press conference to launch the 2015 edition of the biannual bordeaux wine trade fair) .
In 2014 the U.S. consumed 339.6 million cases of wine, a figure which will increase by 11.3 percent to 377.9m by 2018, IWSR predicted”.
Well, I have mixed feelings about it all. I spent 3 years traveling the globe, cooking in kitchens, taking food and wine classes and here’s what I know to be true: You can go into any restaurant in any city in both France and Italy and order the house wine, and that wine is way better than most of what we get here in America. (I almost said “most of the slop” we get here in America, but I thought I would be kind about it). lol
It’s amazing. Just amazing. As amazing as it was to drink Grimbergen on tap in Belgium. lol Yeah. I guess if you haven’t done it, you don’t know what I mean. But I will say there are places in America you can get Grimbergen. Just not at a bar or restaurant, for the most part.
Back to vino…. I think we’re just trying to get our standards up to what they drink in Europe by trying and trying and trying different wines. I remember attending the Music Academy’s Summer Fundraiser in Santa Barbara many years in a row, many years ago supported by Julia Child where very wealthy people with wine cellars would store their acquired bottles… and then donate them to these kinds of events. But that was before we were real wine drinkers in America. So (lucky for me) I would see a case of ’62 Pomerols, and no one else seems to know their value ($2,200 each) so for a couple of hundred, I bid on a case and won!
Each month for 12 months, I would find an excuse to uncork a bottle.
It’s a good life, if you can get it!
With that said, it’s smart to limit your wine drinking to weekends and never have a problem with alcohol. And its a better idea to limit yourself to two drinks with food, and never have an issue with the law. After all, we are now the biggest importer and vi sa vi the biggest drinkers! Wonder why?
Happy Eating,
Chef Marian