Alkaline Water…. good or bad? From Chef Marian

WaterMark Machine
WaterMark Machine

Today I got some feedback to my recent blog about Alkaline water. It came from someone I know and trust.

Here’s what he said:

“Saw your article on alkaline water makers, as I’ve also been looking to find an affordable one. What I did find, while searching for that Watermark Machine was an interesting article by Dr. Mercola:
Thus making me ‘re-thunk’ the whole thing.

Now this video shows two men talking: one is a doctor, the other is not. And they do not agree. The water expert continues to say that while he doesn’t appreciate these multi-level marketing schemes that charge $2,000-$5,000 for a water machine, he still sees the value in alkaline water, where the other person talking says Alkaline Water is not natural. Our bodies need the things in water, after some filtering has been done. Makes sense?

Well, both sides of an issue always make sense. It made me think about the level of consumption…. when and why to use alkaline water. And all we can do, (without enough testing or really knowing), is follow what we think to be true. And we are all entitled to our opinions. Here’s the email I sent my trust friend back:

I appreciate you forwarding this to me.

You’ll notice the guy to the left says over and over that he thinks the alkaline water is good. They are talking about all these multi-level marketing scams charging people $2,000-$5,000 for a machine.
I agree. I wouldn’t feed into any multi level marketing scheme.

Instead, I went to a doctor who has done tremendous research on alkaline water and has written three books about alkaline water. He is the inventor of this new machine. It doesn’t use electricity or shock the water in any way. And it was $570 at the show I went to (not thousands upon thousands).

I have experienced drinking alkaline water from my friends expensive machine for 2 months. And I found myself to be well hydrated. Not thirsty without drinking multiple large bottles daily.

So, i think that after I have eaten a meal that is not totally alkaline (fruits and veggies), I will take a glass of water to make my body alkaline again. I probably will also drink bottled water some of the time as well, getting the best of both worlds!

Thanks for bringing this information to my attention.


Chef Marian
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