Happy St. Patricks Day! Did you ‘git some’ on the weekend? I’m talkin’ about St. Patrick’s Day fun here…. lol
Today we’re reviewing Shakespeare Pub & Grille for St. Patrick’s Day and Seasons 52 just because, restaurants that have been reviewed on this blog before, but checked again for consistency sake!
Saturday we had the big parade downtown in San Diego and all kinds of events going on. So as the day was near its’ end, my friend and I decided to go to one of our favorite pubs, headed downtown just before Little Italy on the opposite side of the freeway: Shakespeare Pub and Grille.

Here’s Nikki. She runs the front end while husband Tom is out back cookin’!
And even though it’s a British Pub, they’re Irish, so thru Monday, you have a shot at getting the ‘real’ thing for your St. Patricks’ Day celebration!
They’re a great couple that have worked many restaurants together and their food is consistently good. And that includes their Corned Beef and Cabbage!
She mentioned when they were working downtown, the amount of people they fed wrapped around a city block! Well, she didn’t say exactly that, but you get the message! It was huge! Now that they’re working Shakespeare Pub & Grille, they are catering to a smaller crowd, but the food is just as good. My friend always orders their fish and chips. Mmmm… those chips satisfy a craving for England every time! Very authentic. And so was the Corned Beef and Cabbage. It’s was a great night out!
Onto my next favorite….
Seasons 52
This is the kind of place that has more than one thing going for it.

First, we have a Sous Chef that can operate both the front and back end of the restaurant (personality plus), is visible and very likable, that loves what he does and helps crank out beautiful meals.
Second? They have Managing Partner David Holter there who makes you feel like a guest in his home. If I ran this restaurant? I would be very much the way he is. And I always feel disappointed by people who run restaurants that ‘run’ them…. into the ground. Not happy. Not welcoming. But NOT the case at Seasons 52.

I mean, this is just a side of Mushrooms Parmesan. Really? It’s a flavorful as it looks… not just parmesan …. but an unexpected stuffed mushroom with a parmesan crisp!
You know, if you’re home and you have a silpat…
A silpat… sort of a rubber mat for your cookie sheet? You can get it at Sur la Table or Great News.
I thought you might enjoy knowing that. Anyway, you can shred Parmesan on it in rounds? And place one on each salad plate. YUM! Very little cheese and all that flavor. Perfect for a night in? Or a night out!

Last time I reviewed Seasons 52, I started with a picture of dessert. While this isn’t the last good thing I want to tell you about… It is a ‘shot’ of pure heaven. Just a tasting of 3 or 4 bites, because you know after a couple of bites you’ve already satiated that craving… so it’s just right for a dessert.
Actually, as a Restaurant Consultant in addition to doing reviews, I often suggest two things: Roast Garlic and serve it with a baguette, and give tasting plates of dessert… small squares… you can actually sit 9 on a plate. And what an experience that is!
Speaking of tastings, I don’t want to let the other tastings I did slide…
So, I will say this: It was my intention this time around (even though their Salmon on a cedar plank looked ‘killer’) to do ‘tastings’. Seasons 52 has some pretty incredible main dishes on the menu, (all under 500 calories), all done to a level that exceeds my standard, but the ‘tasting’ of appetizers and sides, really is the ‘tell’ of a restaurant for me.
The goat cheese ravioli, their beet salad, a maine lobster tail for under $10? Mmmm. Good. Want a great idea? Grab a handful of friends and everybody orders 2 or 3 appetizers and wine. (Wish they had some of the quality Russian River Wines at better price points, but you will find something on their list that is drinkable…or you can do a wine tasting/flight as well to see what you like).
Then, you know what you have to do, right?
Order two desserts a piece. And share! That’s going to be the hardest job you have all evening!
I started this part of the blog saying that this place has more then one thing going for it right? And I’ve filled the bill. It’s a place that has great food, and it’s consistently good. I even gave you pix, right?
But wait! There’s more! lol (Just this one last thing, I promise)!

Can you guess the location of this Piano Bar? Or should I say ‘keyboard’?
No. In the center of the bar! So with bartenders walking around him to serve customers, and singing the songs right along with him (very quietly, almost under their breath and not everyone), it makes for such a wonderful atmosphere!
And better yet? They picked a musician who is as friendly and talented as everyone else in the place.
When you go into Seasons 51 at the UTC Mall? Do me a favor? Ask for David and tell him he comes highly recommended from Chef Marian! And then pick up your glasses, clink everyone and say: “To Chef Marian”! lol
Happy Eating,
Chef Marian