Here’s wiki’s diagram of Aspartame. Does that look natural to you?
The rhetoric never ends from Coke. They have their ‘story’ they want you to believe.
It goes something like this: Coke is a good product. Well if that’s the top of the pyramid? You know the rest of it is going to be more of the same.
In a news report on a Vegas TV Station yesterday they quoted the giant as saying: “”Our use of high-quality, low- and no- calorie sweeteners, including aspartame, allows us to give people great-tasting options they can feel good about,” Coca-Cola claimed in the ad. “Time and again, these low- and no-calorie sweeteners have shown to be safe, high-quality alternatives to sugar”.
Really? Really? You make a product that does nothing but dehydrate our bodies, nothing but load us up with salt, nothing but turn our bodies acid, (and we all know that disease cannot grow in an alkaline body but thrives in an acid environment, right)? And you’re going to play the ‘good guy’ card?
You? And the GMO people. Let’s link you together as big business that creates promotion. And even if that promotion is not true, we… the American Public at Large, are going to just soak it up, because if it’s on TV then? Or if we’ve heard about it thru media? It must be true.
Yeah. Right.
And if you search the web, you may find websites like FamilyDoctor.org who claims to be ‘your family doctor on the web’ and will tell you that “People who have phenylketonuria (PKU) cannot eat aspartame. This is because their bodies are unable to metabolize one of the amino acids in aspartame, phenylalanine”.
But outside of that they also say there have been no studies that show aspartame is anything but safe.
Ooooh. Look to the right of the article. Who is their sponsor?
You guessed it. Coke.
According to wiki, the big battle is over poisoning. The methanol produced by the metabolism of aspartame is absorbed and quickly converted into formaldehyde and then completely oxidized to formic acid, which, due to its long half life, is considered the primary mechanism of toxicity in methanol poisoning.
They’re talking about what amount if any, it takes to poison you.
But go back and look at the top of this article, at the diagram from Wiki. What do you think the problem is? All that rhetoric? Or the fact that our bodies do not process chemicals?
Yeaaah. Chemicals gum up the works and prevent your body from digesting in its’ natural state.
It isn’t. But wait! There’s more!
You may have heard of a guy names Mercola? Big on non GMO. He says: “Aspartame accounts for over 75 percent of the adverse reactions to food additives reported to the FDA. Many of these reactions are very serious, including seizures and death”.
Death. It doesn’t get much worse than that. lol
But where’s the proof from Mercola? Ya see? That’s why I just go back to: if you can picture it growing, that’s your best bet.
Stevia. (Is that Steeevia? Or Stev eee a?) lol I hear it called either, all the time. According to Miriam Webster by the way (there’s a blast from the past) it’s STEEEE VEEE YA.
Not so fast. It’s not the processed powder, but the actual plant. That’s what you should be going for, if you’re looking for sugar substitutes. You can buy the plant and take a baggie of leaves with you. Even if they dry out? It’s all good.
By the way, who owned Nutrasweet until they sold it in 2,000?
You guessed it right again.
I have been blogging for San Diego Loves Green. Next weeks blog? It’s all about GMO. GMO = Monsanto. See how all things come around? But it’s more than Monsanto. Other companies are following in their lead for growing fruit, making wine, etc.
We’ll talk.
Happy Eating,
Chef Marian