There are many different kinds of Plant Based Food eaters. For example: Beyoncé is mostly plant based, I think she said, 80% of the time. But she still eats meat.
There are people like me that are ‘mostly’ plant based. That means NO Meat, NO Chicken, NO Fish, NO Milk, NO Butter and very light use of only good oils (in a spray bottle NOT dumped into a pan), in my world. But on occasion, I will slip up either because I didn’t realize something had an ingredient in it that was not plant based or I had a intense craving for a particular food – usually a comfort food that reminds me of my childhood.
I find that when I have a craving and fight it for a month or more, if I eat mindfully (just a tasting of what is not plant based, satisfying that craving within a couple of bites) I am then ‘good to go’ and don’t need it again for months. I also think that the craving has to do with something I am missing in my diet. But I’m no doctor… it’s just what I think, my sense of why and what I crave.
And then there’s what my son calls “Militant Vegans”. You know the type. They are right and everyone else is wrong and they will stick to an exact limited diet, to the end! Don’t dare call yourself a Vegan in their presence if you ever have anything that isn’t plant based. lol
But here’s the truth… at least MY truth. Every BODY is different. What’s good for you isn’t necessarily good for me. All I can say is what I have noticed as a mostly plant based person:

It does in fact improve my mood and increase my energy. While it may address stubborn weight gain and I do drop some weight and show better cholesterol numbers when I am 100% plant based, it’s not a panacea of truth. It does not take all the weight off, especially the weight gained from having babies, which you didn’t take off right after having them.
Rosane at Integrative Health says all this and more. Reducing Chronic Inflammation, making your face shine and more is on her list of what makes plant based food good. Well, I can certainly support the part about my face! I remember meeting an acquaintance named Ian Blackburn who does incredible Wine Tastings paired with Food, at his event I attended he saw me he immediately asked “what’s changed”? When I told him I went plant based he said my skin looked radiant and he could certainly see by the clarity in my eyes that it was the same thing he noticed in other plant based eaters. Bright, Shiny and New! So I think he’s probably right. While you are at home, if you are shut in by Covid 19 here’s the UP side. This is your chance to experiment.
Have a look at some Plant Based Food recipes on this site like the one on mushrooms, which shows you how to cook and stuff mushrooms, you might think about making a vegan burrito or you may want to do Italian Night IN, experimenting with tomatoes, eggplant, cauliflower and more!
I have always hated cauliflower. But I must say, this dish on that blog basted in Saffron is the most amazing thing I’ve ever cooked, because it’s delicious and you can put it in a canning jar (ball jar) and eat it for weeks! YUM! Well that does it for now. I hope you will use these recipes just to experiment and increase your vegetable intake.
Healthy Happy Eating,