Halloween… we’re over it!

Halloween at Chef Marian's Home
Halloween at Chef Marian’s Home

I was shopping in the store the day before Halloween with my 27 year old son and he tried to tell me that I needed to spend $10 or more on candy for the kids in the neighborhood.

Well, first off, I live in a building. No one Trick or Treats in a building. But ok. I want to be a good neighbor.

But I really couldn’t bring myself to buying sugar for kids.

So the first thing I do? Set up a blind date. I figure, it’s Halloween. That will be really scary for me!

Then I post this (above) on my door.


No I’m not! Read it!

And I’ll tell you what? I really felt good about saying what I did and not just giving way to what society says we’re supposed to do.

Maybe at some future time, I will figure out something better…. like giving away toys from the dollar store. HEY! That’s a great idea! And what doesn’t go? I bring back to the dollar store. SMART! But for now, I decided to beat to my own drum, and do what feels right to me.

Shall we go on with the evening?


So I met this guy at Jake’s Del Mar, one of my all time favorite places. Here’s what I found:

Halloween 2 Halloweenaaaaahhhh! Spooky!

Everyone on staff was ‘dressed’!

My waitress had green hair, fishnet stockings and a miniskirt. Her shirt said PSYCH… I told her to add an O and go on a date looking like that! lol

Wouldn’t that be funny? Really pretty and the ideal woman… with a shirt that says PSYCHO… lol

I think lots of women own that shirt. You just don’t get to see it until you’re into the relationship. lol

Now, don’t get mad at me, ladies. But I’ve heard too many ‘war stories’ from men that have gotten divorced. That’s where my ‘first hand’ data comes from.

Getting back to Halloween, as I headed home from an interesting but uneventful first date (because of course ‘Mr. Right’ leaves me breathless, wanting more – so it’s really about me and my unrealistic expectations, not the date) I start thinking: “Shoot. What if the kids egg my door”? Hadn’t even crossed my mind earlier.

Then I go to “What if the kids spray painted my door, to say what they really think”…?  You know that word…? Rhymes with Witch? lol Then, I had to shut my mind down because that’s absolutely ridiculous. And it’s nothing I want to ‘call’ to myself.

Got home. Safe and sound. No egg. No Paint.

But guess what else?

No Fun. No Joy found in watching and sometimes scaring little kids that come to your front door.

Oh well. There will be time for that when I have grandkids, right? And what about the fight to keep the kids from eating sugar for days, and weeks? Read the blog directly before this.

I always offer solutions to questions I ask! lol

Happy Eating,

Chef Marian