The Libertarian Party asks for your write in ballot for Kaiden Degas if you’re in the 80th District

80th District Write in Vote
80th District Write in Vote

The Libertarian Party asks for you write in ballot for Kaiden Degas if you’re in the 80th District.

Now, I hardly ever go ‘religious or political’ on you…. because I’m not aggressively for or opposed to anything unless we’re talking about food, wine and healthy eating. I only try to control the things I can… lol

The Libertarian Party asks for you write in ballot for Kaiden Degas if you’re in the 80th District.

How did I get involved to the point where I am even willing to do this blog? Well, I do have a friend name Beau who is part of the Libertarian ‘machine’ in California. (I will say that calling it a machine is a sincere compliment because with limited funds and staffing, he makes it all work like a well oiled machine, which has always amazed me. People give and open their homes like crazy for Libertarian events and yet…. most of us hardly know the Libertarian Party exists, right? And here’s another thing: it seems to me, that 9 times out of 10, his personal comments in conversation about this country that he is fiercely loyal to reflect what we all really want: sensible government that only governs where it’s appropriate. And a guy named Mike Benoit who I believe runs the ‘Ron Paul for President Campaign’ has kept me posted about the progress of the party.

Somehow I got on a mailing list….. (all I really wanted to do is just feed ’em)! lol

Remember: Don’t shoot the messenger if you don’t like the message.

I’m just doing my part…. to give you options you may not have considered.

This candidate is wanting your write in vote, if you’re in District 80: that’s 15.0% of San Diego County. Places in the district include Chula VistaNational City, and the Barrio LoganCity Heights, and San Ysidro neighborhoods of San Diego according to Wiki.

Here’s what the Mike and then the candidate has to say:

Come July 31st we ought to have more than just two democrats for our choices.

The primary is being held on May 21st, 2013, but absentee voting is happening now. Here is an email Kaiden Degas sent to someone who inquired as to his positions.

“I’m Kaiden. (Click his name to check him out on Facebook)

Thank you for being open to hearing more about me.

What do I stand for in one word ? Freedom. I like free markets, I like small government, I like decentralized power, I like people being able to do what they want to do so long as they aren’t harming others. Freedom reverberates through my opinions about everything. I don’t like government mandated medicine (water fluoridation), government restrictions on victimless crimes, or government subsidies and favoritism.

Write me in if those are the kinds of things you’d like more of in California.

I’d be happy to talk to you about any specific topics that you are interested in.

Kaiden Degas

Happy Eating and Reading,

Chef Marian