

In the food world, the word is Sustainability. People in the industry like The Food Insider Journal are taking a look at feeding the world in their newsletter. And they are not just talking about food. 

“Sustainability is the future of food production and product development”.

Sustainability. It’s something on my mind for sure. And not just for me, for for generations to come. But since I am a cheerful kind of person, I will tell you I have uncovered some new choices that are truly mind-blowing. We will talk about them in a moment, but first let’s define what we are talking about.

What what does Sustainability really mean? They are describing it as: “A broad term that encompasses everything from supply chain traceability to recyclable packaging, sustainability may be poorly defined in the minds of consumers, but its impact on the way we produce food, what we eat, and the health of our planet is clear”.

IMPACT. That’s the measuring stick as we look around and hear people that are not thinking clearly, telling us there is no such thing as global warming. And the industry is certainly rewarding brands that meet to our new standards.

“For suppliers and brands, the influence is profound. As a result, consumers become increasingly informed about environmental issues and sustainable ideals, they reward brands that align with these values.

Concepts like basic transparency, eco-friendly packaging and understandable, clean ingredient decks are the new baseline. As a result, suppliers and brands push the envelope across the value chain to source ethically produced and sustainable ingredients and products and prove themselves to a broadening base of varied and skeptical consumers. And for brands not on the sustainability wagon? They need to jump on fast”.

In San Diego, at most stores we are now paying for bags we use. In some of our restaurants, the plastic straws have turned to paper straws. So I think we are getting the idea.

Here’s the happy, jump up and down idea of something new, that I was telling you about earlier….. Did you hear about the ‘new’ plastic? I think they should call it plastique. lol It’s actually biodegradable. It falls apart and disintegrates within 11 years. Bravo! We are making headway!

Last week, I saw a program that talks about the guts of fish and when they cut the bowls open, they find pieces of plastic. And isn’t there a huge floating island of plastic in the ocean? I think we really have to start saving our planet one straw at a time. We have to use less plastic, encourage others to do the same because we need to have impact even if our government isn’t wanting to go that route.

And I have also noticed that people all over our country are now creating Global Warming Events, to attend. As a result, these two areas are being addressed now, even though our government is not ready to.

Healthy Happy Eating,