Sushi Night at Home

Awe… c’mon. We can do this! Sushi Night At Home!

Why be disappointed that they are overcharging you and the portions are decreasing? I’m sorry but my local sushi place is now give 1 shrimp and 2 or 3 veggies tempura at the same price they used the give 2 shrimp and 5 veggie tempuras. The owner is not wearing a mask or gloves. 2nd strike. And they could easily not skimp on the veggies, right?

My daughter and her husband and the dawg have been self quarantined for 2 weeks in another city, and they were in town so I invited them over for dinner Saturday night. I would say it was the most amazing meal. And can you say plant based? Yeah. It was amazing.

Home Made Sushi
Can I have some?

First off, it was great to see the ‘kids’. Second, I finally found Sushi Rice online and loaded up…. so I pulled out my Sushi Roller, covered it in Saran Wrap like my daughter reminded me, and she started with the Sushi Rice that I cooked in Veg Broth. There were so many things I ‘prepped’ that you would absolutely not get at a restaurant. Yes, there were the standards like avocado, cucumber and carrots. But how about sautéed Kale and Spinach? Scallions? How about Curry Jack Fruit? Or Asparagus? 

So many choices. So little time.

More Sushi

Garlic, Vegan Cream Cheese with Chives,  Tofu Drops with sesame, and more! We can do this. EVERY night if we want. So simple. So inexpensive even if we’re buying organic veggies.

And so filling. It all works. And I’m excited!

So going forward, I’m, going to tell you that Sushi Night will be at home. And I’m good with that! However my daughter and I decided we are going to have to come up with some good and healthy dipping sauces. That’s my next project! lol

Healthy Happy Eating,