Farmers Markets in San Diego

Today we are talking about Farmer’s Markets in San Diego. Many people are feeling the need to eat healthier. I was listening to a news program yesterday talking about how older people used to be less of the population. Now, with Baby Boomers being the older group, there’s just as many Boomers as people in their 30’s and 40’s.

What happened in my life:

In my 20’s and up to my 50’s I know I felt invincible. And unfortunately, in my early years Jack LaLanne (king of exercising and later eating well) was a joke, not something to pay attention to. And in New York, forget about fresh vegetables in winter.

More importantly, the food in New York tastes great but isn’t necessarily great for you! No one was saying: “Balance the junk with lots of vegetables” or watch out for chemicals, etc.

No one ever explained that the French eat their ‘main’ first and a salad after, to bring your body back to alkaline. And I never heard that disease can’t grow in an alkaline body. Therefore, we are much better equipped today to make good decisions because of all we know.

I would eat fast food (not really understanding I was addicted and it was clogging up my system). When kids came into the picture, well…. it just made sense to feed them McDonald’s and give them a play to play, run around and expend all their energy for a good nights’ sleep!

These days, I worry about me and creating a healthy good life. And I know I am not alone. I eat fast food (a taco or two, or even Beyond Meat Burgers which is good for you because they are plant based but still fast food when you get it from Carl’s Jr because who doesn’t get fries to go with that burger?).

That’s something everyone, even vegans have to watch. It gets tricky because you think it’s vegan or that a pizza is vegetarian. It just doesn’t mean it’s good for you. It might be better for you than beef for example or a hot fudge sundae, but good is the operative word here!

I eat organic most of the time. Some people say they can’t afford to buy organic or farm fresh. But here’s the deal: Go buy your groceries. At the end of 2 weeks, check out your bin that holds veggies and fruit. Add up the cost of the food you are about to throw out that went bad and ….. well you get the idea. With the money you waste, you can afford organic.

Another idea: Buy only what you need for a day or two farm fresh rather than organic and make sure you freeze more than a day or two’s produce, to use up over time. Waste not, want not. 

Now that you have enjoyed my fruit and veggie lecture, (lol) here’s what you have been waiting for! A current list of Farmer’s Markets in San Diego!

Healthy Happy Eating,