Eggs Benedict ~ a healthier more satisfying version from Chef Marian

Eggs Benedict
Eggs Benedict

Eggs Benedict and Sunday Morning. They sort of go hand in hand….

Ya know, sometimes I like to scan other blogs to see how decadent recipes get. I was looking at The Pioneer Woman, (nice of me to give you that link, huh?) and her picture of Eggs Benedict really looks great. But if you scroll down, you will see that like most people that make Eggs Benedict, she used 2 sticks of butter in her Hollandaise Sauce.

So, in my effort to stay 90% vegan,soy, dairy and gluten free….. and really enjoy the 10%, where I will eat animal protein just to satisfy cravings, on this last fine Sunday morning I decided to take the Eggs Benedict recipe and make it my own.

Now, I hadn’t thought I was going to blog it. But I snapped a few pix, just because I always photograph my food, but they didn’t come out. Sorry! So…. Let me just tell you what I did.


First: I found a Gluten Free English Muffin at either Jimbo’s or Trader Joe’s.

I think the best part of the dish is the egg, and making sure you do it so that it’s only slightly runny in the middle. And the unfortunate thing is ~ you have to get a ‘feel’ for eggs. I always know when the egg is ready. Simply Recipes says 4 minutes. And then there’s the best trick on the planet….. put vinegar in the water and the egg will stay in tact ~ you’ll get lots of white surrounding your yoke. Everybody’s different. I use Mirin, a Japanese Vinegar to do my eggs. And Wiki (Wikipedia) just told me why…. 40-50% sugar in Mirin! That’s pretty disappointing. But when you consider how little you use (a teaspoon or so), I don’t think that’s going to kill you.

And instead of using 2 sticks of butter to make the Hollandaise Sauce…. simply take a yolk or two and on a very, very low flame whip, whip, whip.. and add Lemon, Salt and Pepper. It’s the flavor without the fat of butter. I added Coconut Oil, just a teaspoon, and that was more than enough.

So, you’ve got a half a muffin, some bits of Prosciutto (Italian Ham) instead of Canadian Bacon (because you can get away with using less and still get that flavor, the egg and some yolk sauce poured on top, like a Hollandaise. And BOOM! You’ve got breakfast!

If you don’t think that’s a quarter of the calories and 100% satisfying, I’ll eat my hat! lol

Pass the word about better eating. Post me on your blog, Facebook Page, Tweet about me…. good or bad! Just remember to keep talking about me! lol

Happy Eating,

Chef Marian