Can’t Sleep? Join the club! From Chef Marian

You’re up in the middle of the night? Did you know that what you eat affect how you sleep? We all know about caffeine. But what about chemicals that your body is trying to process but can’t? According to Eating Well, there are 9 foods

Kale (photo From Eating Well)
Kale (photo From Eating Well)
Salmon (photo From Eating Well)
Salmon (photo From Eating Well)
Yogurt  (photo From Eating Well)
Yogurt (photo From Eating Well)

that help you sleep: Fish, Jasmine Rice, Tart Cherry Juice, Yogurt, Whole Grains, Kale, Bananas, Chick Peas, Fortified Cereals…… Fortified cereals also boast

vitamin B6, which is needed to make melatonin (a sleep-inducing hormone triggered by darkness), according to an article published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

Exercise too! Tire that old body out and you will sleep better for sure. And there’s more…..

Here are my comments to a friend: I have TWO things to say about that: First, Melatonine with Theanine $5.99 for a big bottle at Costco. Flight attendants use it and there’s no groggy hangover. And Second: to turn your mind off, simply follow your breath. Breathe in, that’s one. Out, two. Up to 20. If you find yourself saying 32, 33, 34…. you know your mind has taken over again.

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Happy Eating,

Chef Marian