Bravo to our Sponsor: for Valentine’s Day!

Valentine's Day

Valentine’s is coming. And what better way to say Thank You to our sponsor, than by mentioning them, so close to Valentine’s Day? No. This is it! My big thank you to them!

I have been working with Candygram to introduce new healthier choices. So when you go on there, you might see Organic Chocolates, Gluten Free Cookies, Popcorn and Olive Oil sets, and there’s even a Winegram Category that has Chocolates specifically created to pair with wine. has sponsored us for 3 years now, and as I have more and more impact by walking the Fancy Food Show in San Francisco and the Natural Food Show in Long Beach every year, by finding new gifts, candies and chocolates, that make sense in today’s world.

Of course, they have the standard decadent choices. In case it’s your chance to splurge! delivers beautifully with notice, so go on their website today and place your order. Time to stop with the ‘last minute’ thinking. You can send flowers, chocolates, even an ‘I Love You’ Telegram with I Love You Pillows. It’s a fun site to explore!

Meanwhile, in case I forget to tell you…. there’s a healthier way to deal with all the chocolates you may receive this Valentine’s Day. Pick your top 6 in the box. Take a small bite of each. Toss into the circular file (garbage). No harm. No fowl. lol

Do me a small flavor? When you place your order and they ask “Where did you hear of us”? Please say Chef Marian…. and if you can share this blog with 3 of your best friends that need to send something for Valentine’s – even to their mom or favorite relative? Pass the good info along!

I thank you. My sponsor thanks you!

Happy Eating,

Chef Marian