Drive for Great Food

When you hear ‘Drive for Great Food’ you probably think we are doing some kind of food drive to help the homeless. Right? YES CHEF! Well, that’s not exactly what I’m talking about here. And I should say Drive or FLY for Great Food, cause I am giving you the heads up for the finalists … Read more

Sauerkraut Recipes

This past Saturday I was walking around the store Jimbos with 3 members of my meetup group (Oleg, Faye + Linda) talking about how to pick your fruits and veggies at their prime, what to look out for and then we got to show and tell: my favorite items to buy at Jimbos. If you … Read more

Skin Rashes: Food Helps

I think almost everyone has gotten some kind of rash in their lives. No? Well, I’m here to give you this article: Skin Rashes: Food Helps. Sometimes sweat causes it. Sometimes it’s your body reacting to something going on inside. I always talk about the fact that ‘Food is Your Best Medicine’. So if you are one … Read more

Cure Your Weight Issues?

I was listening to someone speak yesterday, someone who was selling a product, and as an ‘aside’ she mentions her husband takes a shot of Bragg’s Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar every day. He also told me about weight loss results which is why I am bringing Cure Your Weight Issues? to you today. When I … Read more