Healthy Thoughts!

Apples BreathThere are so many things that both you and I know to be true, but when life presents itself, we aren’t mindful. We just eat and drink because we’re hungry and thirsty, or just ‘in the mood’. So I wanted to take the time to mention a few things. My Healthy Thoughts are just a reminder….

Why are you drinking juice? You absolutely know that it’s a sure way to get more calories than you bargained for and that if you the ate the apple for example, instead of a glass of juice, you would get the fiber. That fiber would help prevent a sugar spike that we all know causes inflammation. Right?


So here’s three things you can do differently:

  1. You can have a handful of nuts, or any protein for that matter before you drink the juice, or eat any kind of sugar and that will make your sugar spike less
  2. You can dilute the juice (I like to take apple cider vinegar, water and apple juice equal parts, which is good for you as well as thirst quenching
  3. Or you can eat an apple

By the way, have you ever wondered what the spotsĀ on a apple are? They are air holes and help the plant to breathe. And when you are picking out an apple next time, look for them! Better taste!

Are all whole wheat items equal?

Well, think of this: White and Whole Wheat bread or buns spike your system as sugar, equally. Are you surprised?


Next time, go with Sprouted Grain. It digests slowly because there is more protein in the Sprouted Grain bun.

My favorite myth to debunk is about Agave Nectar. Do you know that it’s 70 – 90% fructose? (That’s a big sugar spike)! And that sugar is only 50% fructose?


Yes! So here’s what I do: I cut out anything that’s ‘trendy’, that I can’t picture growing in the ground. I don’t go with the latest fads (never ate fat free cookies, never used Agave Nectar). And if I want sugar, I will take a little sugar to balance out some salt in recipe, for example. A pinch or two of each never hurt anything (or you can use honey with salt) and it actually creates a way better flavor profile. You’ll eat it and have great dreams about eating it again!

Happy Healthy Eating,

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