Condiments, Dressings and Marinades are on the rise!

up and up....
up and up….

According to the 2013 State of the Specialty Food Industry Report, people are buying ~ and I just assume using ~ more Condiments, Dressings and Marinades.

Now, this isn’t a sexual revolution…. (unless there’s something I’m not privy to)….. Like with the 60’s and whipped cream? lol

No, I think people are using more to dress up and flavorize their food.


You haven’t been reading my blogs, have you. Shame on you!  I make up words all the time.

Like instead of ridiculous? I say Re-dunk- you – lus. C’mon dude! It’s time to have some fun.


Great! Now that you’re in the spirit, I can tell you that’s the right attitude for coming into the holidays. Now many people, women in particular that I have talked to, are stressing for the holidays. Not enough money. Not enough motivation to cook a good meal, or even contribute really well to someone else’s meal that they’ve been invited to.

And holidays or not? There’s a ton of things you can make that are easy breezy and don’t cost a lot of money.

I was invited to a pre-Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday. Plus… it was partially vegan. What me worry? I grabbed a large pack of baby elbows (yes, I know… it’s pasta and it’s white so that ain’t right), got some mayo-like veganese and pimentos (jar). Then I added finely chopped onion and diced celery. ZZzzzzz. Boring!

Now here’s the good part: Thyme, Sage, Parsley, Sea Salt, Cayenne Pepper, honey, vinegar, lemon, lime. BOOM! (or is that bam)? lol

I’m eating some today and I’m still blown out by how good it tastes!

Hasn’t anyone told you about creating an onion compote?


Well, here are the ingredients:

Caramel onions and mushrooms
Add Maple syrup and apple cider vinegar

Yeeah! That’s good! And what makes it good? You’re doing a balancing act with honey and vinegar. Sweet and sour. YUM!


Of course it’s good. Would I steer you wrong? lol

Yep. Sounds like I’m getting a little ornery for the holidays myself!  Got told today that it’s time to change my picture and logo…. work, work, work, work. And……? Done. And that was just one of a gazillion things I got accomplished today. Very satisfying to accomplish what you set out to do.

And that’s the feeling you get… whether you make one dish or an entire meal.

When I lived in Los Angeles, I took a Japanese Watercolor class and learned that it’s all about preparation, creating and then cleaning up and organizing for the next time. I’ve taken that lesson into cooking and find myself equally satisfied by all three parts.

But if this holiday season, it’s all too much for you? Start cooking days in advance. Tuesday for Thursday. So on Tuesday? Prep your veggies. Refrigerate. (If you’re doing potatoes? Peel and keep ’em in water till you need them. Wednesday? Pre-cook everything but the bird (if you’re having bird). Wednesday night? Doing smashed potatoes? Boil ’em up and put ’em in the fridge. Making stuffing? Toast your bread, tear into pieces and leave on the counter to dry out. Make your pie… or go buy….Set the table. Thursday morning? Cut your cranberry jelly (cause it wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without that) onto a beautiful plate. Wrap and refrigerate. Tear your lettuce into a big bowl or bag, add veggies and cranberries or raisins…. refrigerate. Combine your stuffing. Cook most of the way. Refrigerate. The key on all of your dishes is to cook it earlier, just about 3/4 thru. Then, when guests arrive, you pull your Turkey out… and stick your stuffing and veggies in. After salad? The liquid in the bird has redistributed, veggies and stuffing are done, slice your bird? And the meal is ready to be served!

It’s all about timing. And giving yourself enough time.

So get to it!

More ideas about Turkey Day on Wednesday!

Happy eating,

Chef Marian